Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What Are You Going To Do To Improve Your Productivity in 2010?

Well, here in Australia it is New Year's Eve - with 2010
fast approaching.

It's the time for New Year Resolutions to cover all aspects
of your life (so that you can achieve some balance).

However, I just want to focus here on improving personal
productivity in your online business.

I've been reading some great resources lately to help
me overcome information overload and to improve
my productivity.

Here's two of them:

Scaling Yourself 
(a superb blog post from Pro-Blogger, Chris Brogan,
that lists the ways he has been trying to improve his
productivity - we all suffer from the same temptations!!)

IM Productivity Secrets
(New membership site from Lance Tamashiro &
Robert Plank that addresses the issue of Information
Overload.  Focus is on time management for productivity
improvement - with free email course and excellent
hints in the sales page.)

My 2010 Goals and Activities

Well I've been thinking of how I'm going to put some
of these ideas into practise. So here's my first cut
(it's not New Year's Day yet!):

(allowing for my full-time job as an
organizational consultant):

1.  Build my Joint Venture with Squidster (Anne)
and Chef Keem (Achim)
(focused on helping small business to brand themselves
effectively through social media)

2.  Use my Internet Marketing expertise to promote
my HR consulting business, Merit Solutions:

3.  Focus on promoting (via social media) 
two Affiliate Products/Services that I can personally
vouch for:
12 Second Commute 
(A suite of Internet marketing tools - I have known the CEO
for a couple of years and I can vouch for his generosity,
genuineness and quality offerings which I have used
since 2006.)
One Week Marketing Plan
(PotPieGirl's marketing plan incorporating Squidoo,
article marketing, blogging and other social media. I've
proven the effectiveness of this plan though marketing
the product itself using PotPieGirl's approach.)

4.  Produce 3 E-books/Reports
(linked directly to goals 1 & 2 - one is well on the way)

5.  Write 3 Blog Posts per week
(incorporating both this blog and my JV blog)

6. Provide a free, fortnightly webinar on
Squidoo and social media marketing, for
12 Second Commute members.


1. Create one piece of original content per day
(blog post, article or e-book chapter)

2. Write original content each day before
processing email 
(to avoid getting side-tracked)

3. Spend 5 minutes each day accessing the power
of concentration system:

Well that's my focus and goals for 2010- what's yours?

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Adwords "Bulls Eye" Profit Report - define your best customer


The Adwords "Bulls Eye" Profit Report by Alex Goad is one
of the most comprehensive and valuable free reports that
I have accessed in some time.

It's not only relevant for people engaged in PPC campaigns,
but also for anyone involved in any form of Internet Marketing
for affiliate products or their own small business.    

Alex's central premise is that if you define your "best customer"
then your advertising and promotion will be truly targeted
and you will hit the "Bulls Eye" - you will gain truly
targeted traffic and sales.

He takes you through a number of steps to help you define
your best customer and then guides you in the process of
choosing core keywords that are relevant to your "best

This process can be exacting but the results will make it
well worth the effort.  This exercise alone is invaluable
and highlights the fact that we rarely really know who
our customer is.

I have been working through this "best customer" process
with a new service that I am going to promote.  It is very
enlightening and makes me confident that I will be targeting
the "Bulls Eye".

For those who are interested in PPC marketing. Alex takes
this process a whole lot further and provides his formula
for developing PPC Ad Groups.

His four measures to separate out PPC ADGroups are:
  1. action - how will customer take action?
  2. root - what is the core thing being promoted?
  3. modifier - who to exclude (people with certain attributes)?
  4. sources - where is the service/product being provided?

These measures are explained in detail with valuable
illustrations and examples.

The clarity of this report, it's visual presentation and
detailed examples, make it a valuable addition to any
Internet Marketer's library.

Adwords "Bulls Eye" Profit Report contains many lessons
for affiliate marketers and small business people alike.

Get your free copy of the Adwords Report HERE

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies



Sunday, December 27, 2009

Building Social Equity 2.0: the road to success

Garrett Pierson has just released a new
training product, Building Social Equity.
[BSE for short herein]

As part of the product launch, Garrett offers
free access to a number of interviews (both mp3 &
PDF) with leading social media marketers.

By signing up under my affiliate link below you
will have access to free interviews with
Alex Mandossian, Dave Lakhani, Martin Wales,
Justin Brooke, Mari Smith, Mark Murnahan and
Joel Comm:
Building Social Equity - Interviews

In the first interview Alex Mendossian explains how
he and Garret Pierson learn from each other.
Alex looks to Garrett to build the social equity
necessary to sell his books.

One of Garrett's comments gives some insight into
the concept of social equity:
I wanted to build a relationship of trust with Alex
Mendossian so that in return I could build up my
brand and my business, and for Alex, help him to build
his business...We've just built a relationship and
again, that's what building social equity is; building
those relationships of trust.

Social media marketing involves using new channels
to deliver the message about your product or service
at a time when people are suffering "email burnout".

Garrett explains how to build the requisite trust
relationships: delivering valuable and fresh content
for your target market, through submitting
this content to the worldwide web, via social
channels [such as Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon]
so that your target market can find your content.

He states that building social equity involves
bringing SEO and social media together - it means
driving targeted traffic to your small business
or affiliate product website by using social media.

Garret's Building Social Equity Course [BSE] is built
around 6 core steps:

1. Keyword research - finding the keywords that people
are searching for.
{BSE provides video training and a keyword tool for this

2. Understanding your target market - finding out the
conversations that are occurring in relation to your primary
keywords (two or three core keywords) - identify the
problems that people are seeking to redress.
{BSE has specific video training on this often
overlooked step}

3. Writing articles - creating and submitting keyword rich
articles addressing the problems of concern to your target
{BSE gives video training on how to write the articles
the right way to attract targeted traffic}

4. Submitting content to social media - re-purposing the
articles for submission to social media sites
{BSE video training covers this aspect in depth for each site -
HubPages, StumbleUpon,, Squidoo,,, EZineArticles, Technorati,,
PRWeb (press releases) and others}

5. Social networking - building the relationships, having the
conversations, contributing to social networks, being an active
community member, giving advice, making friends.
{BSE's step-by-step video training covers this aspect as well}

6. Consistent action - "Just do it!" on a consistent basis
{BSE provides the motivation and insight to help you
be consistent}

There are lessons in this interview for everyone and heaps
of motivating comments and sound advice to start off the
New Year.

Here's some quotable quotes from Alex Mendossan
in the interview:
* A spectacular achievement is always preceded by
unspectacular planning
* Google is not a search engine...Google is a
social equity builder
* Building social equity is a process and an evolution
* A lack of consistency is not a lack of time or a lack
of motivation. It's a lack of expectation.
* When you have social equity with someone, that
person has priority.  That person has a place in your heart,
in your mind, in your business, for you to say yes to.

Related Posts:

Internet Marketing Success - the road less travelled 

Branding: how are your perceived in the marketplace? 

Just Do IT!...Take some targeted action

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Friday, December 25, 2009

Branding: how are you perceived in the marketplace?

How are you currently branding yourself as a small business or
affiliate marketer?  What perceptions are you creating in the market-place?

Branding can create recognition, positive customer perceptions and  loyalty.

So, how do you create your small business brand or brand yourself
as an affiliate marketer?

Cindy Ratzlaff, Brand New Brand You, suggests that there are
four key branding elements:
  1. Voice
  2. Visual
  3. Value
  4. Variation
1. Your brand voice

This is very much about your brand message and how and where
you speak.   Do you send a consistent message or are you confounding
peoples' perceptions of who you are and what you stand for?
What kind of personality do you portray (serious, humorous,
light-hearted, generous)? Is this personality congruent with your
message and your niche?  Congruence is easy when you are
being yourself; it's difficult when you are not speaking from your
real self and personal truth.  Is your message consistent across the
various social media platforms?

2. Your brand visuals

This is often overlooked.  Branding visuals have to do with the
colors you use, your logo or avatar, the presentation of your
Squidoo lenses, websites and blogs.  It even comes down to the
typeface you use.  Are you communicating a professional image
or a sloppy one? What image is appropriate for your branding
message and your niche?  Sometimes it is appropriate to use
an image of yourself across multiple social media platforms so
that you gain recognition.  However, this recognition is
undermined if your message is not consistent and your
behavior incongruent.

3. Your brand value

Brand value is very much about what your brand offers - your
USP (unique selling proposition).  You need to know what your
value is and what you are offering.  Can you present your value
in an "elevator speech" or a brief statement that you can make
in the time it takes to travel five floors of a building?   You build
brand value through what you contribute in line with what
you claim to offer.  In other words, when people associate
with you, or connect with you, do they take away something
of value that is consistent with your stated offering?  Are you
sharing your expertise in line with what you claim to offer?

4. Your brand variation

So what sets you apart (refer Seth Godin's "Purple Cow")?
Brand variation is about differentiation, how you stand out from the
crowded marketplace.  Why is your offering better than the next one
or the one before?  What is unique to you - your life experience, your
accomplishments, your personal  insights, your humorous portrayals,
how you share, what you share, how you comment, how you listen,
how you specialize, what social media platforms you use (and why),
what you value, what you spend your time on, your expertise,
your creativity, the media you use (text, voice, video)?
What are the components that make up your brand differentiation
... and what can you do to strengthen these components?

Note: A special thanks to Cindy Ratzlaff for her stimulating
telesmeniar presented via the International Social Media Association.
which provides free weekly teleseminars on social media marketing.
Cindy has a superb blog on branding and social media marketing.

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Internet Marketing Success - the road less travelled

Well I have just listened to Mike Litman's
The Force That Creates Your Future track on his 'Greatness
Held Hostage' CD.

He makes the point that the difference between medicocrity
and greatness has a lot to do with habits:
People form habits and habits form futures

But it is not just any habit that makes the difference, it's a
distasteful habit:
Successful people make a habit of doing
what they don't like doing

Why would you want to have this habit? Because this habit
determines success.  Just think of all your New Year
resolutions that stay on the shelf or in your diary
(e.g. lose weight, improve your public speaking, etc.)

Why don't they happen? Because you don't want to do
the things that would guarantee your success - changing
your eating habits, going for a walk, getting out of bed early,
taking a course...there are always excuses for not doing
what you don't want to do.

So how come successful people create the habit of
doing what they don't want to do...and unsuccessful
people create the habit of avoiding the unpleasant, difficult
or routine?

Mike's answer is very clear on this point (the essence of his
Unsuccessful people focus on process, successful people
focus on the reward.

Unsuccessful people focus on the unpleasant things
required to achieve a goal (process) while successful people
focus on the end result or desired state (reward).

Mike Litman  offers 3 strategies to move forward
and achieve success:

1. Ask yourself the question, "What is one thing I
don't want to do today that if I did it would
move my life forward?"

2. Ask yourself the question, "How will I benefit from
doing this one action I don't want to do?"

3. Do it NOW (Just Do IT)!

Mike is an energetic and inspirational speaker, so it is well
worth listening to what he has to say in his own inimitable
The Force That Creates Your Future

Related Posts:

New habits can be personally transforming

Just Do IT!...Take some targeted action.

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Sunday, December 06, 2009

Squidoo: Squidoo Lens Design - Merit Solutions Brisbane

Here I am following the framework I developed for Squidoo lens design:
7 Top Strategies for Lens Creation.

1. Purpose of the Squidoo Lens

I developed this lens to promote Merit Solutions Brisbane,
a networked organization of human resource consultants
based in Queensland, Australia.  The global economic crisis
had impacted heavily on the organization's income because
of a major reduction in consultancy contracts in its
traditional market, Queensland Government Departments.

2. Concept of the Squidoo Lens

I wanted to show Merit Solutions Brisbane as a highly
professional human resource consultancy organization.
Associated with this was the need to highlight the
strategic response of Merit Solutions Brisbane to the changes
in their market.  This involved reflecting the diversification
of both markets (to move from local to global and include the
private sector) and products (widening the product range
and increasing flexibility of delivery).

3. Lens Design to Meet Concept and Purpose

Here I set about highlighting the professional qualifications
and experience base of each of the 20 consultants in the
Merit Solutions network.   Additionally, I highlighted each of
the human resource services offered by Merit Solutions
Brisbane and emphasized flexible delivery of relevant
services, e.g. via Skype coaching, webinars and podcasts.

4. Keyword Research

I undertook keyword research for my tags by using the
Google Adwords Keyword Tool. This tool provided plenty
of keywords that I could use. Of particular note are the
long tail keywords I used throughout the lens
in module titles, sub-headings and module text.

5. Develop Content

The content flowed from my purpose and lens concept.
So integral to the lens design was the Photo Gallery module
presented as a Slide Show with timed display.  This enablesd
me to highlight the two groups of consultants - Principal HR
consultants and Senior HR consultants - and their qualifications.

I used the Orange Box (Black Box Module) to act as a highlighter
for each of the core human resources services offered by
Merit Solutions Brisbane.  This color was chosen because it
reflected well the original colors of the Merit Solutions website.

I also used HTML and CSS script to change the color of the
text modules to reflect the colors of the organization's website.
I had extracted the color codes from the HTML source code
for the website (visible by clicking the "View" menu item and
then "Page Source").

6. Source Images

I sourced the consultants' photos and Logo from the
website.  I will have to add images to the text
modules and this may take the form of pictures of Brisbane
and/or of the individual consultants.

7. Revisit, Refine, Link and Promote

The Merit Solutions Brisbane Squidoo lens is one element
in a total social media marketing plan for the organization.
This will incorporate LinkedIn profiles for each consultant,
blogs, videos, podcasts, Facebook and Twitter.  The Squidoo
lens will be refined and updated to reflect these elements as they
are developed.  The lens will also form the centerpiece of
a planned lens ring designed to highlight the core human
resource services provided by the organization.  These lenses
will then be linked via the Featured Lens Module.

Key Lessons:  Squidoo lenses are a powerful way to brand
and promote local businesses. You can integrate a lens for a local
small business into an integrated social media marketing plan.
This requires a concept plan that is broader than the single lens.
However, the lens can be progressively refined to reflect
implementation of the social media plan.

Related Posts:

Top 7 Steps for Squidoo Lens Design
Long Tail Keywords and Deep Indexing of Squidoo Lenses
Squidoo Lens Design - Tropical Rainforest
Create a Squidoo Lens Ring

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Animoto - Instant Music Videos

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Squidoo: Squidoo Lens Design - Tropical Rainforest

Here I am following the framework I developed for Squidoo lens design:
7 Top Strategies for Lens Creation.

1. Purpose of the Squidoo Lens

The main purpose of my Tropical Rainforest Squidoo lens
was to share something of my experience of walking
in the Mt Glorious rainforest in Brisbane early one
misty Sunday morning.  My subsidiary purpose was to
promote rainforest conservation.

2. Concept of the Squidoo Lens

I envisaged that visitors to the lens could experience
something of the rainforest if I simulated my rainforest walk
in the design of the Squidoo lens.

3. Lens Design to Meet Concept and Purpose

I had created an Animoto video using the photos I had
taken on my walk so I decided to include this video
to set the scene and also communicate three dimensional
elements (e.g. the video gives perspective to a photo
of a valley within the rainforest).

So I invite readers of the Squidoo lens to first view the video
to get an overall sense and perspective on the tropical
rainforest.  The video set to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" can
be viewed here:
Rainforest Walk

The core of the lens is designed as a walk through the
rainforest with large photos sequenced in the order in which
I viewed the rainforest.

4. Keyword Research

I undertook keyword research for my tags by using the
Google Adwords Keyword Tool. This tool provided plenty
of keywords that I could use. Of particular note are the
long tail keywords I used throughout the lens
in module titles, sub-headings and module text.

It is worth noting that the tropical rainforest lens is
being found on Google via 600 keywords, many of them
long tail - such as "what threats are the rainforest experiencing".

5. Develop Content

The content flowed from my purpose and lens concept.
So I started with the video and then made my large photos
as the centerpiece of the lens.

I also wanted to provide links to resources on rainforest
conservation, so I used a combination of the "Links Module",
You Tube videos (including a featured Daintree Rainforest
Conservation video), RSS module (feed from Rainforest
Rescue Australia blog) and "Featured Lens" module.

6. Source Images

Sourcing the photos was not a problem because of the photos
I had taken on my walk.  What I learned out of this though is
the value of taking my camera with me whenever I go on
a work trip and these photos have been featured in many
of my lenses and Animoto videos.

7. Revisit, Refine, Link and Promote

I frequently update the Tropical Rainforest lens as it is one of my top
ranking lenses, regularly in the top 1,000 lenses.
Updating is made easy by having a links module, featured
lens module, RSS feed and an endless list of keywords for
changing my tags.

Key Lessons:  You can experiment endlessly with your
Squidoo lens design.  Decide at the outset (where possible)
what your purpose and concept are - and then be creative.
Build up your stock of photos of people and places to
provide fresh, original content for you lenses - you will
be so glad you did.

Animoto - Instant Music Videos

Related Posts:

Top 7 Steps for Squidoo Lens Design
Long Tail Keywords and Deep Indexing of Squidoo Lenses
Squidoo: Animoto for fun and traffic
Video promotions made easy

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Webinar on Squidoo for Mari Smith's "Social Media Certification Course"

I was recently asked by Mari Smith, Facebook and social media
expert, to present a webinar on Squidoo for her
Social Media Certification Course.

My webinar covered the philosophy of Squidoo, the steps for
effective lens design, how to promote a small business, integrating
Squidoo with other social media and how to build your personal
brand on Squidoo through congruity and transparency.

Here is the link to the mp3 I created after my webinar presentation:

I also developed a Microsoft Word Document that covered questions
and answers during the webinar and provided a list of resources:

If you are interested in social media marketing, you might like to join
Mari's new association/ social network:
International Social Media Association

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Squidoo: Squidoo Lens Design - Alan Jansson, Japanese Acupuncture

In a previous post, I identified the
7 Top Strategies for Lens Creation,
so I will use these steps as a framework
for discussing this new lens.

1. Purpose of the Squidoo Lens

Alan Jansson is an expert in Japanese Acupuncture who
is dedicated to his profession and keen to train others in
the subtleties and potency of his art.  The lens is designed
to promote his teachings and workshops reflected in his
World Acupuncture Blog.

2. Concept of the Squidoo Lens

The concept for this lens evolved as I talked to Alan and
showed him the results of my efforts.  We agreed that the
lens be targeted to the Japanese Acupuncture Practitioner,
which is the focus of his blog.

So the lens is designed to present Alan as the ultimate
professional totally dedicated to his art.  It is not focused
on increasing his clinic patient numbers.  The emphasis is on
his professionalism and his teachings.

Alan is a real character so I wanted to promote his
personality as well.  Japanese Acupuncture focuses on
balancing the Ying and Yang energy.  I wanted to highlight
how Alan pursued this balance in his own life through
his love of surfing.

3. Lens Design to Meet Concept and Purpose

I decided that the best format was the 'Who Is' lens template
because my focus is on Alan Jansson, professional teacher
of Japanese Acupuncture.

This Squidoo lens template is great for lenses focusing on
well-known personalities or groups (e.g. bands).  It has the
advantage that Squidoo automatically adds selected modules
on creation and enters data it has found through searching
the Internet.  For example, in Alan Jansson's case, it pulled
up all of Alan's YouTube Acupuncture Training videos.

4. Keyword Research

I undertook keyword research using two tools -
The Google Adwords Keyword Tool and the
Google Insights for Search.  These tools informed
my choice of tags and the use of long tail keywords 
throughout the lens - in the lens description and introduction,
module headings, module text, anchor text for photos and
hyperlinks (and the labels for this post).

5. Develop Content

The content flowed from my purpose and lens concept.
In the introduction I highlighted Alan's work with elite atheletes
in Brisbane and the Gold Coast and emphasized his commitment
to the promotion of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture.

I added a personal testimonial from my family's experience
and highlighted his commitment to training other professionals
(emphasized via the "Black Box" module - which also comes in
other colors).

I made his great blog the centerpiece and also the focus of
the "Big Arrow" module. I created a number of links throughout the
lens to Alan's World Acupuncture Blog.

6. Source Images

The photos came from Alan's blog as did most of the
content apart from the explanation of Japanese Acupuncture
which linked through to another authority site.

7. Revisit, Refine, Link and Promote

The lens design provides a sound foundation now for refining
the concept and presentation.  I need to draw on more images
and add more content re Japanese Acupuncture and its applications.
I will provide links too to the professional association Alan is
a member of. 

Related Posts:

Squidoo Lens Design: Baby Boomers Health 

Squidoo Lens Design: Montville Queensland


Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Create an Authority Site on Squidoo

I've created 3 Squidoo lenses lately that address the issue of creating
an authority site.

The first of these looks at "why create an authority site"?:

The arguments for an authority site are numerous and I can vouch for
the positive impacts of having an authority site.

The second explores the reasons why you should create your
authority site on Squidoo:

Squidoo is a unique platform that is free and has inbuilt SEO features.
Seth Godin's marketing genius is embedded in the platform itself.
If you understand Squidoo, you can make an authority site of
considerable substance at no cost.

The third lens on this topic addresses the issue, "how do you
create an authority site on Squidoo?":

This lens challenges you to change your mindset about Internet
Marketing.  It explains how an authority site on Squidoo is based
on Web 2.0 perspective and involves an "open window" approach
and collaborative marketing.

 Building an authority site on Squidoo is cost-free and very
rewarding.  The sooner you start, the sooner you reap the benefits.

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Sunday, September 13, 2009 review - why choose Hostgator for web hosting?

I have been with since 2006 and currently have
five web sites hosted with them.  Besides hosting your website
you can easily add a WordPress Blog.

What appeals to me about Hostgator as a web hosting
service is:
  • online chat facility to address any technical problems
  • quality training materials including videos 
  • speedy response to requests
  • competent, expert staff
  • capacity to have unlimited domains and sub-domains on the one site
  • web space capacity that exceeds any comparably priced web hosting service
  • ease of use of the Cpanel
  • capacity to create data bases for applications such as membership sites
  • inbuilt FTP for uploading files or images 
  • ease of adding Wordpress Blogs
  • php hosting (php is used for many forums and membership sites)
I have used for hosting:
  • sub-domains to cloak affiliate links
  • images for download to my blogs or Squidoo lenses
  • sales pages for MRR products and my e-book
  • niche video sites (specialized script)
  • lead capture and pre-sell squeeze pages
  • Wordpress blogs
  • ebooks, scripts and videos for download
I can't speak highly enough about the ease of use, quality of service
provided and value for money in terms of capacity and functionality.

I have used many free and paid hosting services before Hostgator
and none are comparable.  If you are going to join Hostgator
use the coupon code "wordpress" to get a reduced rate:
Join Hostgator Now

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Squidoo: Squidoo Lens Design - Baby Boomers Health

In a previous post, I identified the
7 Top Strategies for Lens Creation,
so I will use these steps as a framework
for discussing this new lens.

1. Purpose of the Squidoo Lens

In this lens I wanted to focus on the health and wellness
of Baby Boomers, challenge a damaging myth about
BabyBoomers and technology and promote an affiliate
program for anti-aging fitness.

2. Concept of the Squidoo Lens

The concept for this lens evolved as I researched existing
Squidoo lenses on Baby Boomers.  There were some that
focused on specific illnesses like Alzheimer's, others
looked at senior's fitness or the unique health challenges
for BabyBoomers.  Others focused on retirement issues.

I needed to come at the issue of baby boomers health
from a different angle.  I decided to focus my lens
around the health benefits for Boomers of technology,
the Internet and specifically, Squidoo.  So I linked my
discussion to Seth Godin's ideas, the benefit of technology
for promoting connection and creativity, the health benefits
of new learning and the adverse effects of myths about
aging and learning technology.  So technology and
senior's health became the unifying theme.

3. Lens Design to Meet Concept and Purpose

I thought the best way to personalize the lens was to share
some of my own experiences and research via the
"Sticky Note Module".

I also wanted to provide some "Baby Boomer" context for
the lens by adding YouTube Videos, Google Blog and News
Modules, and books on Baby Boomer health
and well-being.

4. Keyword Research

I undertook keyword research using two tools -
The Google Adwords Keyword Tool and the
Google Insights for Search.  These tools informed
my choice of available URLs for my lens and provided
guidance for my tags and the use of long tail keywords 
throughout the lens.

5. Develop Content

The content flowed from my purpose and lens concept.
I shared some facts from my personal experience and
research and provided relevant links such as the social
networking site for Baby Boomers, BOOMj.

I also wanted to link to quality Squidoo lenses that covered
some of the other aspects of Baby Boomer Health, so I
did a search on Squidoo and selected 5 lenses to add
to my "Featured Lenses Module".

6. Source Images

The photos came from two sources. The first was
provided by my subscription to PLR Newsletters
and the second through membership of BigStockPhotos.

The difficulty I had in locating an image with a Baby Boomer
using technology reinforces my experience that there is an
implicit assumption that over 50's can't learn technology and
don't use it very much.  My lens provides some statistics to
challenge this.

7. Revisit, Refine, Link and Promote

For further refinement, I will be exploring the use of PLR content
provided by way of the PLR Newsletters.  This could involve
linking a blog with RSS feed to the lens, rewriting articles for
use on the lens and/or in article directories, creating an
e-book that links back to the lens or developing a video or
mp3 audio from the PLR newsletters.

Key Lesson: Sometimes your concept evolves as you gather
resources for your lens and start working on it.  The creation
of a lens is not always a simple linear process from step 1 to 7.
It can often involve an iterative process where you move
backwards and forwards through these steps.

Related Posts:

Top 7 Steps for Squidoo Lens Design
Long Tail Keywords and Deep Indexing of Squidoo Lenses


Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Monday, August 31, 2009

RedGage Audio Tutorials - How to promote and earn on RedGage

I have created two new audio tutorials about RedGage.

Discusses the RedGage site as a social bookmarking and
social networkingsite and explains the four ways to earn
money on Redgage.
Shows how to use the cross-posting facility on RedGage to
build multiple backlinks for your blogs, websites and
Squidoo lenses.

CLICK here to join RedGage

Make Money on RedGage

Guide to RedGage Tutorials

How to Use Social Media for affiliate marketing


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Squidoo: promote your Squidoo lens on RedGage

Here are four ways to promote your Squidoo lens on the social
bookmarking site, RedGage.

1. Upload the URL of the Squidoo lens

Use the "upload link" option to record the URL of your Squidoo lens.
You add title, description and keywords.

2. Upload the URL of a module of your Squidoo lens

Again use the "upload link" option but select an appropriate module
and add a relevant title and description and keywords

3. Upload a photo or image related to your lens

Here you use the "upload photo" option and again add title,
description and keywords. Once the photo/image is uploaded,
immediately add a comment with a link to your lens. RedGage
automatically hyperlinks URLs in comments.

4. Create a blog post on RedGage about your Squidoo lens

Use the "blog upload " option (option 1 on the upload function) and
create a post relevant to your lens with a link to your lens. This is
the most flexible option as you are provided with a full blogging
platform. So you can insert images and change the presentation.
You can also create multiple blog posts about the same Squidoo

RedGage encourages cross-posting but avoid using the same title
within a category of upload (e.g. links). The RedGage platform
enables you to get multiple backlinks for each of your Squidoo lenses
(and uploaded modules). If you use your titles, descriptions and
keywords effectively you can rank well for many
long tail keywords.

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Giant Squid Open Mike - Monday 18 August 2009

Well I was the guest speaker on BlogTalkRadio for
the Giant Squid Open Mike Show on
Monday 18 August.

This was great fun and a fantastic way to connect to
people and hear their voices. Besides, it is a great
forum for learning about Squidoo and Web 2.0 marketing.

This venture by Joan Adams and Kate Loving Shenk
is very much in line with Seth Godin's philosophy of
collaborative marketing epitomized by the Squidoo
platform itself.

On the 18 August session we talked about:
  • RedGage social bookmarking site
  • How best to use Redgage to promote your Squidoo lenses
  • Long tail keywords
  • Quality comments on social bookmarking/networking sites
  • Developing your Google profile
The Giant Squid Open Mike is open to all Squidoo lensmasters
and is held on Mondays at 4pm Eastern.

To listen to the recorded version of the 18 August session,
visit this link:
Giant Squid Open Mike - 18 August 2009

For a summary of the session by Kate Loving Shenk,
visit below:
Summary - Giant Squid Open Mike - 18 August 2009

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Squidoo: Squidoo Lens Design - Montville Queensland

This post discusses the lens design for my 87th lens,
Montville Queensland.

In a previous post, I identified the 7 Top Strategies for
Lens Creation
, so I will use these steps as a framework
for discussing this new lens.

1. Purpose of the Squidoo Lens

This lens was designed to share the beauty and romance
of Montville with others. I wanted to highlight the
panoramic views, romantic accommodation, restaurants
and the unique shopping experience that is Montville.

While I do not promote an affiliate product or service
on this lens, it does provide the opportunity to promote
my email course on Squidoo and increase subscribers
to my Squidoo Marketing Strategies list (some of whom
will eventually buy my Squidoo e-book).

2. Concept of the Squidoo Lens

What I wanted to do with the Squidoo lens was to simulate
the experience of walking down the steep slope at Montville
taking in all the shopping. So I used a vertical layout for
the images, which basically follow the flow of shops and
cafes as you walk down the hill.

I wanted also to act as a guide as people progressed down
the hill, suggesting what they might look at and where they
might take a rest.

3. Lens Design to Meet Concept and Purpose

To create the sense of walking down the Montville hill,
I used a vertical design for laying out the images.
I wanted the visitor to feel as though they were progressing
downwards. The images are basically presented in the order
of the sights that you would see as you moved down the hill.

I used The Black Box Module (consistently) to provide
guidance to the visitor. Here I explained what was
on offer and suggested places to rest and things to see.

[I chose the Black Box Module over The Most Important
Thing Module because it proved to be a better color match.]

4. Keyword Research (where appropriate)

At this stage, I have not undertaken keyword research
as it is not critical to my purpose. I will, however, do some
keyword research to identify tags and longtail keywords
for the lens.

[Normally, if I was focused on an affiliate product, I would
undertake keyword research before deciding the URL of
the Squidoo lens.]

5. Develop Content

The content flowed from my purpose and concept for
the Squidoo lens. I wanted to make people aware of what
was available shopping-wise, to give them a sense of the
panoramic views and introduce the cafes and restaurants.

My primary focus was on the shopping, so I added a
text module where I could highlight the range of shops
available at Montville and provide a link for more

6. Source Images

I had made a weekend visit to Montville in August 2008
and had taken photos with a lens in mind. So I had a ready
stock of photos which I supplemented by adding an image
from Flickr.

7. Revisit, Refine, Link and Promote

JaguarJulie suggested the use of the Photo Gallery Module
which I have added by way of review at the end of the lens.
I did not use this as the central design strategy because
I wanted to create the sense of moving downhill
(not sideways).

When the lens is indexed by Google, I'll add a Featured Lens
module and add the other four lenses I have developed to
feature some aspect of The Sunshine Coast in Queensland.

Promotion is ongoing - uploading a link and individual
photos to RedGage, creating this post and further social
bookmarking of the site. I've mentioned it in a post on
the highly rated Squidoo Marketing blog.

I'll also progressively add more images to the Photo Gallery,
update my tags and add a links module to further
information. The habit of regular updating will
improve the lensrank and increase my Squidoo visitors.

This lens was published three days ago and was ranked
1,000,000+ at the time. As I write this post, it has
already attained a ranking of 22,792.

Key Lesson: gives you numerous modules
to design your Squidoo lenses. A key principle I advocate
is to create a design to fit the purpose of your lens. If you
want to learn the art of Squidoo Affiliate Marketing,
you can do no better than learn from Super affiliate marketer,

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Squidoo Lens - RedGage Video Tutorials

My 86th Squidoo lens introduces
a range of videos I have
developed about the new
RedGage social bookmarking
and social networking

What differentiates RedGage is that
it pays you for your content.

My Squidoo lens about RedGage video tutorials
covers a number of key areas:
  • why use RedGage?
  • 3 ways to make money on RedGage
  • social networking on RedGage
  • how to add friends
You can view the video tutorials about RedGage by
visiting my Squidoo lens:
RedGage Video Tutorials

Related posts:

Featured RedGage User
How to Develop Your Social Network on RedGage
RedGage August Contest
Earn Money with Redgage - a Review
RedGage Pays You for Your Content

Related lenses:

RedGage Tutorials
How to Make Money on RedGage

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Footpath Library Squidoo Lens wins Purple Star Award

My Squidoo Lens about the wonderful
Footpath Library initiative recently won
a Purple Star Award.

The Purple Star award is given only for outstanding lenses
created by Giant Squids. So you have to first become a
Giant Squid to be eligible.

Details of the Purple Star Program on Squidoo can
be found here:

How to win a Purple Star? Here's the advice from the
Program organizers:

"Your Giant Squid Organizers will dust standout lenses,
both new and old, at any time of the day or night, with
purple stars. Masterpiece lenses. Lenses making a name
for themselves. Lenses trying new things. And yes,
even (and perhaps especially) the best lenses made as
part of the Giant Squids Summer School!

The best way to get picked is to get yourself
noticed for your incredible content, for trying
new ideas and modules, for running conversations
on your lenses, for standing out from the crowd.
Do that enough, and the purple star fairy
will find you."

A Purple Star award gives you a lensrank boost,
a Purple Star on your lens, rights to "boast",
added exposure and a ticket in a lottery with
a range of prizes.

The Footpath Library lens that won the Purple
Star Award highlights the fantastic work of Sarah
Garnett in providing free books to the homeless and
disadvantaged. It tells the story of this amazing
initiative via narrative, images, interviews and a
moving video.

The lens links Sarah's work as leader of a "Tribe"
to the book by Seth Godin:
Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

The Squidoo lens also draws on the very latest
research that suggests "we are what we read":
Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science
of the Reading Brain

Related Posts

Squidoo: You Can Make a Difference

Squidoo: The Challenge to make a Difference

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Google Indexing of Squidoo Lenses

In a recent invited post for the SquidLog blog, I highlighted
the need to be conscious of the way that Google indexes
Squidoo lens.

Some of the key messages were:
  • it is not enough to concentrate on your primary keyword alone
  • too much emphasis on the primary keyword can result in loss of rank
  • using keywords irrelevant to the lens focus can result in penalties
The secret is to think broad and stay relevant. Great teachers
can express the same concept in multiple ways. Good SEO involves
writing with the primary keyword in mind while linking it to related
terms and phrases.

[In one sense, it's like applying the principles of "anchor text",
but on a broader level.]

Throughout this blog discussion, I used the search results for my
digital storytelling Squidoo lens as an example.

For the full text of this discussion, visit:
Keywords and Deep Indexing of Squidoo Lenses

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
