In a previous post, I identified the
7 Top Strategies for Lens Creation,
so I will use these steps as a framework
for discussing this new lens.
1. Purpose of the Squidoo Lens
In this lens I wanted to focus on the health and wellness
of Baby Boomers, challenge a damaging myth about
BabyBoomers and technology and promote an affiliate
program for anti-aging fitness.
2. Concept of the Squidoo Lens
The concept for this lens evolved as I researched existing
Squidoo lenses on Baby Boomers. There were some that
focused on specific illnesses like Alzheimer's, others
looked at senior's fitness or the unique health challenges
for BabyBoomers. Others focused on retirement issues.
I needed to come at the issue of baby boomers health
from a different angle. I decided to focus my lens
around the health benefits for Boomers of technology,
the Internet and specifically, Squidoo. So I linked my
discussion to Seth Godin's ideas, the benefit of technology
for promoting connection and creativity, the health benefits
of new learning and the adverse effects of myths about
aging and learning technology. So technology and
senior's health became the unifying theme.
3. Lens Design to Meet Concept and Purpose
I thought the best way to personalize the lens was to share
some of my own experiences and research via the
"Sticky Note Module".
I also wanted to provide some "Baby Boomer" context for
the lens by adding YouTube Videos, Google Blog and News
Modules, and books on Baby Boomer health
and well-being.
4. Keyword Research
I undertook keyword research using two tools -
The Google Adwords Keyword Tool and the
Google Insights for Search. These tools informed
my choice of available URLs for my lens and provided
guidance for my tags and the use of long tail keywords
throughout the lens.
5. Develop Content
The content flowed from my purpose and lens concept.
I shared some facts from my personal experience and
research and provided relevant links such as the social
networking site for Baby Boomers, BOOMj.
I also wanted to link to quality Squidoo lenses that covered
some of the other aspects of Baby Boomer Health, so I
did a search on Squidoo and selected 5 lenses to add
to my "Featured Lenses Module".
6. Source Images
The photos came from two sources. The first was
provided by my subscription to PLR Newsletters
and the second through membership of BigStockPhotos.
The difficulty I had in locating an image with a Baby Boomer
using technology reinforces my experience that there is an
implicit assumption that over 50's can't learn technology and
don't use it very much. My lens provides some statistics to
challenge this.
7. Revisit, Refine, Link and Promote
For further refinement, I will be exploring the use of PLR content
provided by way of the PLR Newsletters. This could involve
linking a blog with RSS feed to the lens, rewriting articles for
use on the lens and/or in article directories, creating an
e-book that links back to the lens or developing a video or
mp3 audio from the PLR newsletters.
Key Lesson: Sometimes your concept evolves as you gather
resources for your lens and start working on it. The creation
of a lens is not always a simple linear process from step 1 to 7.
It can often involve an iterative process where you move
backwards and forwards through these steps.
Related Posts:
Top 7 Steps for Squidoo Lens Design
Long Tail Keywords and Deep Indexing of Squidoo Lenses

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies