Here I am following the framework I developed for Squidoo lens design:
7 Top Strategies for Lens Creation.
1. Purpose of the Squidoo Lens
I developed this lens to promote Merit Solutions Brisbane,
a networked organization of human resource consultants
based in Queensland, Australia. The global economic crisis
had impacted heavily on the organization's income because
of a major reduction in consultancy contracts in its
traditional market, Queensland Government Departments.
2. Concept of the Squidoo Lens
I wanted to show Merit Solutions Brisbane as a highly
professional human resource consultancy organization.
Associated with this was the need to highlight the
strategic response of Merit Solutions Brisbane to the changes
in their market. This involved reflecting the diversification
of both markets (to move from local to global and include the
private sector) and products (widening the product range
and increasing flexibility of delivery).
3. Lens Design to Meet Concept and Purpose
Here I set about highlighting the professional qualifications
and experience base of each of the 20 consultants in the
Merit Solutions network. Additionally, I highlighted each of
the human resource services offered by Merit Solutions
Brisbane and emphasized flexible delivery of relevant
services, e.g. via Skype coaching, webinars and podcasts.
4. Keyword Research
I undertook keyword research for my tags by using the
Google Adwords Keyword Tool. This tool provided plenty
of keywords that I could use. Of particular note are the
long tail keywords I used throughout the lens
in module titles, sub-headings and module text.
5. Develop Content
The content flowed from my purpose and lens concept.
So integral to the lens design was the Photo Gallery module
presented as a Slide Show with timed display. This enablesd
me to highlight the two groups of consultants - Principal HR
consultants and Senior HR consultants - and their qualifications.
I used the Orange Box (Black Box Module) to act as a highlighter
for each of the core human resources services offered by
Merit Solutions Brisbane. This color was chosen because it
reflected well the original colors of the Merit Solutions website.
I also used HTML and CSS script to change the color of the
text modules to reflect the colors of the organization's website.
I had extracted the color codes from the HTML source code
for the website (visible by clicking the "View" menu item and
then "Page Source").
6. Source Images
I sourced the consultants' photos and Logo from the
website. I will have to add images to the text
modules and this may take the form of pictures of Brisbane
and/or of the individual consultants.
7. Revisit, Refine, Link and Promote
The Merit Solutions Brisbane Squidoo lens is one element
in a total social media marketing plan for the organization.
This will incorporate LinkedIn profiles for each consultant,
blogs, videos, podcasts, Facebook and Twitter. The Squidoo
lens will be refined and updated to reflect these elements as they
are developed. The lens will also form the centerpiece of
a planned lens ring designed to highlight the core human
resource services provided by the organization. These lenses
will then be linked via the Featured Lens Module.
Key Lessons: Squidoo lenses are a powerful way to brand
and promote local businesses. You can integrate a lens for a local
small business into an integrated social media marketing plan.
This requires a concept plan that is broader than the single lens.
However, the lens can be progressively refined to reflect
implementation of the social media plan.
Related Posts:
Top 7 Steps for Squidoo Lens Design
Long Tail Keywords and Deep Indexing of Squidoo Lenses
Squidoo Lens Design - Tropical Rainforest
Create a Squidoo Lens Ring
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority
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Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies