Well I have just listened to Mike Litman's
The Force That Creates Your Future track on his 'Greatness
Held Hostage' CD.
He makes the point that the difference between medicocrity
and greatness has a lot to do with habits:
People form habits and habits form futures
But it is not just any habit that makes the difference, it's a
distasteful habit:
Successful people make a habit of doing
what they don't like doing
Why would you want to have this habit? Because this habit
determines success. Just think of all your New Year
resolutions that stay on the shelf or in your diary
(e.g. lose weight, improve your public speaking, etc.)
Why don't they happen? Because you don't want to do
the things that would guarantee your success - changing
your eating habits, going for a walk, getting out of bed early,
taking a course...there are always excuses for not doing
what you don't want to do.
So how come successful people create the habit of
doing what they don't want to do...and unsuccessful
people create the habit of avoiding the unpleasant, difficult
or routine?
Mike's answer is very clear on this point (the essence of his
Unsuccessful people focus on process, successful people
focus on the reward.
Unsuccessful people focus on the unpleasant things
required to achieve a goal (process) while successful people
focus on the end result or desired state (reward).
Mike Litman offers 3 strategies to move forward
and achieve success:
1. Ask yourself the question, "What is one thing I
don't want to do today that if I did it would
move my life forward?"
2. Ask yourself the question, "How will I benefit from
doing this one action I don't want to do?"
3. Do it NOW (Just Do IT)!
Mike is an energetic and inspirational speaker, so it is well
worth listening to what he has to say in his own inimitable
The Force That Creates Your Future
Related Posts:
New habits can be personally transforming
Just Do IT!...Take some targeted action.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
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Ron is the author of the e-Book:
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