Well I am having success with PotPieGirl's campaign approach
to Squidoo affiliate marketing.
What I appreciate is the detailed marketing plan which can serve
as an initial guide but also as a reference document for later
It's good to have examples, a mind map to see how it all fits together
and a action guide that helps me keep track of what I have done.
The checklist is also very useful.
I think the transcript of the coaching of a newbie through the process
is great for people starting out with Squidoo or the
One Week Marketing Method.
I wish I had this type of assistance earlier in my online marketing
career. The explanations are so clear and there is encouragement all
the way.
This is a great investment because it is easy to recoup your outlay
and at the same time build a foundation for a potentially substantial
Like anything online, it depends on your willingness to go the extra
mile, follow instructions and stay focused. The roadmap is there,
along with proof of the "pot of gold" at the end.
I strongly recommend this resource for newbies and advanced
internet marketers alike - I know I have learned a lot through
the One Week Marketing Action Plan and continue to use it
as a guide for campaign affiliate marketing on Squidoo.
Here's the One Week Marketing link again:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster
and provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate
marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies