Photo Credit: Sunset Paddling, Maroochy River by Barbara J H on Flickr
Showcase a Photographer on Squidoo
Photos and videos are all the rage on the Internet - witness
the growth of Flickr, YouTube, MySpace and Facebook.
One way to enter the mainstream is to showcase a
photographer on Squidoo.
You can create a Squidoo lens focused on some aspect of the
photographer's work or their photographs of a particular
location or theme. Find whatever focus best presents the
the distinctive work of the photographer.
There are numerous, superb photographers on Flickr.
Recently, I noticed the stunning photography of Barbara J H
on Flickr when I created my Squidoo lens on Maroochydore.
I approached Barbara and sought her permission to showcase
her photography on a number of Squidoo lenses. I undertook
to make the lenses non-commercial, to donate my lens proceeds
100% to charity and to keep the lenses focused on her photography.
Barbara readily agreed although she had not previously heard of
Squidoo. My challenge then was to find a focus for the first lens -
Barbara has 4,500 photographs on Flickr.
I decided in the first instance to stay with Maroochydore as the
main focus and to create a lens that showed
Maroochydore through the eyes (and camera lens)
of Barbara J H.
This resulted in the creation of the following lens:
One of my challenges in developing this lens was to decide
how best to present Barbara's photography.
Eventually I came up with the idea of making the lens
a photographic art exhibition displayed in
an art gallery.
So I used a number of different modules to create this
1. for landscape photos, I used the text/write module
so that I could display full-sized photos to showcase the
perspective involved;
2. for photos focused on flora or fauna, I used the Flickr
module with "thumbnails" to create a montage around a
theme (e.g. flora or fauna).
3. to create introductory notes for each module (as you
would see in an art gallery), I used the "Sticky Note"
You can see the effect here:
To display the landscape photos, I first downloaded them
from Flickr to my computer and then uploaded them
to my website hosted on Hostgator. Then I entered
them in the text/write module using html code that
enabled display of hyperlinked images.
The net result is a walk-through photographic art gallery
with photos grouped around various themes -
Maroochy sunrise, winter in Maroochydore, flora
in Maroochydore, etc. (I started with sunrise photos
and ended with sunsets over Maroochy):
Barbara was delighted with this showcase of her work
because it opened up the opportunity for more people
to enjoy her photography and see the beauty of
Maroochydore, her home town.
A fringe benefit is that Barbara has now joined Squidoo
and is showing all her friends the Squidoo lens I created
to showcase her work.
This is just one of numerous applications of Squidoo.
If you want to learn about more applications, check out
the new, free ebook by Seth Godin and Megan Casey -
The Love of Squidoo: The Official Free Recipe Guide
[Note: you will also find heaps of other Squidoo resources
on this Squidoo Answer Deck page.]
Ron Passfield is a Giant Squid and Top 100
Squidoo Lensmaster
... and provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate
Photos and videos are all the rage on the Internet - witness
the growth of Flickr, YouTube, MySpace and Facebook.
One way to enter the mainstream is to showcase a
photographer on Squidoo.
You can create a Squidoo lens focused on some aspect of the
photographer's work or their photographs of a particular
location or theme. Find whatever focus best presents the
the distinctive work of the photographer.
There are numerous, superb photographers on Flickr.
Recently, I noticed the stunning photography of Barbara J H
on Flickr when I created my Squidoo lens on Maroochydore.
I approached Barbara and sought her permission to showcase
her photography on a number of Squidoo lenses. I undertook
to make the lenses non-commercial, to donate my lens proceeds
100% to charity and to keep the lenses focused on her photography.
Barbara readily agreed although she had not previously heard of
Squidoo. My challenge then was to find a focus for the first lens -
Barbara has 4,500 photographs on Flickr.
I decided in the first instance to stay with Maroochydore as the
main focus and to create a lens that showed
Maroochydore through the eyes (and camera lens)
of Barbara J H.
This resulted in the creation of the following lens:
One of my challenges in developing this lens was to decide
how best to present Barbara's photography.
Eventually I came up with the idea of making the lens
a photographic art exhibition displayed in
an art gallery.
So I used a number of different modules to create this
1. for landscape photos, I used the text/write module
so that I could display full-sized photos to showcase the
perspective involved;
2. for photos focused on flora or fauna, I used the Flickr
module with "thumbnails" to create a montage around a
theme (e.g. flora or fauna).
3. to create introductory notes for each module (as you
would see in an art gallery), I used the "Sticky Note"
You can see the effect here:
To display the landscape photos, I first downloaded them
from Flickr to my computer and then uploaded them
to my website hosted on Hostgator. Then I entered
them in the text/write module using html code that
enabled display of hyperlinked images.
The net result is a walk-through photographic art gallery
with photos grouped around various themes -
Maroochy sunrise, winter in Maroochydore, flora
in Maroochydore, etc. (I started with sunrise photos
and ended with sunsets over Maroochy):
Barbara was delighted with this showcase of her work
because it opened up the opportunity for more people
to enjoy her photography and see the beauty of
Maroochydore, her home town.
A fringe benefit is that Barbara has now joined Squidoo
and is showing all her friends the Squidoo lens I created
to showcase her work.
This is just one of numerous applications of Squidoo.
If you want to learn about more applications, check out
the new, free ebook by Seth Godin and Megan Casey -
The Love of Squidoo: The Official Free Recipe Guide
[Note: you will also find heaps of other Squidoo resources
on this Squidoo Answer Deck page.]
Ron Passfield is a Giant Squid and Top 100
Squidoo Lensmaster
... and provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate
marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Technorati Tags:
squidoo, squidoo marketing, photography on squidoo, showcase a photographer, Flickr, Squidoo photography, Squidoo applications, Seth Godin, Megan Casey

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Technorati Tags:
squidoo, squidoo marketing, photography on squidoo, showcase a photographer, Flickr, Squidoo photography, Squidoo applications, Seth Godin, Megan Casey