158 page report, The Empire Formula:
I first came across Anik when I joined his Affiliate Classroom
in 2005. I became a life member in 2007 and subsequently
joined Anik's PPC Classroom and his Article Directory, AffSphere.
Anik has created a $10 Million per year online empire. His report
details step-by-step how you could build your own Empire.
The Empire Formula is actually 4 formulae - deciding your niche
market, product creation, marketing & traffic and list building.
He devotes 21 pages just to the first formula - deciding your niche.
It is very comprehensive and challenges a lot of established views.
My suggestion is if you download the report, you skim the
report first. Then if you are stuck for a niche, read the first formula
in depth. If you are happy with your niche but want to develop
products, check out formula 2 - a very good discussion helping
you to decide what to create.
If you want to improve your marketing of products in your
chosen niche, focus in on Formula 3 - marketing and traffic.
If you are not building your list effectively, formula 4 on
list building will give you heaps of ideas.
So anyone can make use of this report whether you want to build
an online empire or just improve your online income.
This is an exceptional report and you will not find this level of
detail in any other report that does not have a price tag.
You can download Empire Formula here:
Ron Passfield, PhD, is a Social Media Consultant, Top 100 Squidoo
Lensmaster and Giant Squid100.
He is the Creator of the SquidooRoo Training Progam, a 6 month
course in social media marketing:
SquidooRoo Training Program
He provides free resources for Squidoo marketing on his
Squidoo authority site:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies

SquidooRoo is a 6 month training program in social media marketing.