Monday, February 16, 2009

Squidoo lensrank: improve lensrank with a blog feed

One key way to improve lensrank and Google PR for
your Squidoo lens is to establish a blog and enter the
blog feed on your lens.

You use the RSS module for this so that whenever you
update the blog, your lens is also updated. Of course,
the blog has to be relevant to the content of the lens.

Daily updating and publishing of your blog and the
relevant lens will result in improved PR ranking
for the blog and enhanced lensrank for the lens.

I recently experimented with a lens and related blog.
I updated both daily. The lens went from 800,000+
rank to 17,000 in one week.

The Squidoo lens also attained a PR of 7 but dropped
to 5 when I stopped updating the blog on a daily basis.

So the moral of the story is to place an RSS feed for
your blog on your Squidoo lens and update both daily.

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster
and provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate
marketing on his Squidoo lens:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies

To learn more about blogging,
check out:
