and affiliate marketing, the more I'm convinced
that real results come only with massive,
focused action.
I was reading Ewen Chia's FREE Super
Affiliate Blueprint the other day and noted that
massive action is one of the key things that separate
the super affiliate marketers from you and me.
I recalled then that this certainly seems to
be a defining difference between those who achieve
substantial affiliate income and those who don't.
I was reminded of what I had read over the past year:
* the top bloggers blog three or four times a day
* the top Squidoo Lensmasters have over 100 lenses
* the top free ad experts submit to 100,000+ sites
* the top Adsense earners have 1,000 Adsense sites
* the top safelist earners submit to 60 safelists every day
* the top forum earners write 10 posts daily in forums
* the top social bookmarketers submit to 100's of sites daily
* the top viral ebook marketers produce 100's of ebooks
In the area of article marketing, the message is the same.
My friend, Jinger Jarrett, has had over 1,000,000 views
of her articles - numerous articles promoted in
numerous ways. The top article writers on produce over 3,000 articles.
On my morning walk today I listened to a conference call
by Maria Marsala, one of the pioneers of article
marketing she indicated that she used to submit to
400 article directories before she found
Article Marketer.
(Note: If you want a free lesson on how to
produce lots of articles fast, listen to her call here.)
Maria, and top affiliate marketers like
Tinu Abayomi-Paul, now use Article Marketer to
automatically submit their articles to thousands of
of websites and hundreds of directories.
I have just taken out a quarterly subscription to
Article Marketer (currently at a heavy discount).
This now allows me to submit unlimited articles
which in turn are auto-submitted to thousands
of websites. All I do is enter the article
information once - title, description, body,
category, keywords and resource box.
The program, Article Marketer, then does
the submission to multiple sites.
I purchased the quarterly membership because
I decided that I would take massive action on
two fronts this year:
1. article marketing
2. Squidoo (aim: 100 lenses)
I can link the articles to my lenses (promoting
my ecourses and my affiliate products/programs).
The traffic from the articles builds my lensrank,
my list, my Google ranking and my affiliate income.
There is certainly synergy in focusing on both
article marketing and Squidoo.
P.S. Don't forget the special discount at
Article Marketer ends soon. They'll even write
an article for you for free as a part of the deal.
Related articles on this blog:
Why write articles?: the benefits
Bum marketing and article writing
Article resource box
Leverage your writing and Google ranking
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster
and provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate
marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Technorati Tags: article marketing, Squidoo, Squidoo marketing strategies, article writing, Squidoo Marketing Strategies e-Book, affiliate marketing, Squidoo tips, Article Marketer, traffic