Friday, September 21, 2007

10 Tips for Squidoo Newbies

I provide detailed instructions on how to set up a Squidoo
lens and improve LensRank in my ebook,
Squidoo Marketing Strategies.

My free email course covers the basics in less detail and
with less emphasis on the marketing side.

Over the past few months, I have visited many Squidoo
lenses and answered numerous emails. In the process I have
identified 10 key things that newbies (and experienced
lensmasters) tend to overlook.

10 Tips for Squidoo Newbies

1. Make your keyword your Lens URL
Google gives priority to websites/lenses that
have "in url" keywords.

2. Include your keyword in your lens description
Google searches the description before tags and after
analysing the URL.

3. Make your lens description meaningful
Using long tail keywords can help here but avoid
keyword spam.

4. Use your 40 tags
You have up to 40 tags you can use for each lens
- find good keywords and progressively add these
as tags. Each tag can serve as a gateway to your

5. Learn basic html
You will need html to be able to add hyperlinks
and images. Visit the following basic html lens for
very clear instructions on easy-to-do html:

6. Ping the directories

Make sure you ping the directories each time you
update your lenses but do not ping any single lens
more than once a day (and only do it when you
have made a change). Here's a pinging service:

7. Submit your lens to the search engines
Use the free search engine submitter on my lens to submit
your lens to the search engines including Google:

8. Update your lens regularly

You will see your lensrank drop if you don't update
your lens on a regular basis.

9. Set "contact" to "on" in your Profile
This enables people to contact you via email through
Squidoo. They will not get your email address unless
you choose to give it to them.

10. Set the % share of income to go to charity
In your profile, you can specify if you want
100% of the income from your lens to go to you
or a percentage to charity. This only applies to
income from Google ads and the preset money-making
modules such as

If you keep these suggestions in mind you should have
a great Squidoo experience.


Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
recently created his own SquidWho lens:


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