My Squidoo Lens about the wonderful
Footpath Library initiative recently won
a Purple Star Award.
The Purple Star award is given only for outstanding lenses
created by Giant Squids. So you have to first become a
Giant Squid to be eligible.
Details of the Purple Star Program on Squidoo can
be found here:
How to win a Purple Star? Here's the advice from the
Program organizers:
"Your Giant Squid Organizers will dust standout lenses,
both new and old, at any time of the day or night, with
purple stars. Masterpiece lenses. Lenses making a name
for themselves. Lenses trying new things. And yes,
even (and perhaps especially) the best lenses made as
part of the Giant Squids Summer School!
The best way to get picked is to get yourself
noticed for your incredible content, for trying
new ideas and modules, for running conversations
on your lenses, for standing out from the crowd.
Do that enough, and the purple star fairy
will find you."
A Purple Star award gives you a lensrank boost,
a Purple Star on your lens, rights to "boast",
added exposure and a ticket in a lottery with
a range of prizes.
The Footpath Library lens that won the Purple
Star Award highlights the fantastic work of Sarah
Garnett in providing free books to the homeless and
disadvantaged. It tells the story of this amazing
initiative via narrative, images, interviews and a
moving video.
The lens links Sarah's work as leader of a "Tribe"
to the book by Seth Godin:
Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us
The Squidoo lens also draws on the very latest
research that suggests "we are what we read":
Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science
of the Reading Brain
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Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority
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Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies