This is another article that has been accepted by
I simply followed the guidelines given to me by the AffiliateClassroom
and my article was accepted in 3 days and I was acknowledged as an
"expert writer". This has given my article increased visibility (see
earlier posting - Become an expert writer of viral marketing
Integrate Your Affiliate Programs to Explode Your Affiliate Income
When you have been involved in affiliate marketing for a year or
more you tend to accumulate memberships in a range of diverse
affiliate programs.
You will have memberships in a number of income opportunities,
downline building programs, traffic exchanges, and payment
systems. In addition, you will have one or more domains and web
hosting services and access to autoresponders (free and paid). You
might also be lucky enough to have a storehouse of e-books and
articles that you can draw on.
The problem with this accumulation of diverse programs is that it
can cause you to become unfocused and can dissipate or drain
your energy.
There are parallels in the corporate world of the 1970’s when
companies decided to diversify through random acquisitions. By the
1980’s, many companies were drained by these acquisitions and
had to off-load them. The catch-cry was “get back to your core
business”. There was a strong move to “integration” of processes,
products and services to lift revenue and profit.
In affiliate marketing, you too can explode your affiliate revenue by
identifying your core business and integrating other programs
around this focus. This will require some hard decisions but it will
be worthwhile in the end.
Here are 3 ways that you can achieve integration of your programs.
help you integrate your programs. You need to make sure that the
one you choose also builds downlines in your core income producing
It should also enable you to build downlines in traffic exchanges,
payment systems (such as Paypal, e-Gold, and IntGold) and other
downline building systems.
You should also make sure that the owner of the downline building
program is genuinely interested in helping you build your downlines
and is not just focused on promoting themselves and their own
affiliate links.
This form of integration enables you to promote one core program
URL and simultaneously build downlines in multiple programs,
including your core business.
a separate storehouse of e-books and a different repository for articles.
One way to integrate the functions of ezine publishing, lead capture
page creation and list building is to locate a provider/program that
gives you an autoresponder integrated with an electronic warehouse
of software and e-books and a library of articles for your use.
You can then build lead capture pages that offer an e-book or
software (from the integrated warehouse) as a teaser and capture
the “lead” as a subscriber to your ezine (through using your
autoresponder link). Your weekly ezine can be built from the
integrated article library.
Make sure, however, that you are also able to plug-in your own
articles. As you become more proficient with writing articles, you will
be able to include more and more of your own articles in your ezine
and build “resource boxes” or “author profiles” that direct prospects
to websites or blogs of your choice.
3. An affiliate marketing coach focused on integration
There are now endless resources available on the Internet to help
you with your affiliate marketing. There are e-books, video and
audio resources, online tutorials, special reports and e-mail courses
on every conceivable topic. Increasingly, many of these resources
are free.
However, gaining access to information is no longer the real
challenge. The challenge of today’s world is learning how to focus
and harness this information to achieve your goals.
This is where an affiliate marketing coach can help you. They can
help you identify a niche product/service that draws on your
strengths and life history, assist you to develop a comprehensive
and integrated marketing plan, and build your confidence in affiliate
marketing. Such a resource person is priceless because all the
information in the world is of little use to you unless you can
translate the great ideas into real, focused action.
If you adopt the “integration” mindset, you will find numerous
ways to achieve synergy amongst your programs so that your
results grow rapidly because each program is reinforcing the others.
coach, who is also on a quest for the “holy grail of affiliate marketing”.
Check out what Ron has discovered:
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Copyright 2005 - Ron Passfield. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave the
links active, do not edit the article in any way and give author
name credit.