The GULL Vision - Building Community Through Developing Leaders
GULL is a nonprofit public benefit corporation incorporated in California, USA. GULL is recognized by the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and endorsed by other Governments, Leaders & Institutions. GULL's aim is to equip everyone, particularly the disadvantaged and dislocated, to acquire practical knowledge and skills through lifelong learning. This approach to personal and professional development is designed to give access to practical education to people who would not normally be able to access formal education.
GULL, the Global University of Lifelong Learning, provides professional qualifications on a global basis to people who are unable to access education because they lack the funds or facilities. GULL, for example, is working in Haiti with World Vision to develop the young people as volunteer community workers who, in turn, are educating the young children in the tent camps. World Vision staff are acting as mentors for the volunteers. Both the community volunteers and the mentors can qualify for an action learning based GULL professional award.