You do what I did and create the Squidoo-Google Dance.
This strategy builds on a previous post:
Use Squidoo to Leverage Your Writing
Here are the basic steps for the Squidoo-Google Dance:
1. Create a Squidoo lens on "Your Keyword"
2. Start a blog on "Your Keyword" (or re-focus an existing blog)
3. Write an article on "Your Keyword" with the resource box
linking to your blog AND your lens.
4. Submit your article to article directories.
5. Create links from your Squidoo lens and blog to your article(s).
6. Set up an RSS feed from your blog to your Squidoo lens.
7. Start posting to your blog with "Your Keyword" in your post title.
8. Ping the blog directories for your blog and lens with each post.
So what is happening?
You have created a dynamic interaction (dance)
between your blog, your Squidoo lens and your articles.
- Your blog and Squidoo lens are being updated simultaneously.
- Your articles are creating backlinks to your lens and blog.
- Your blog and Squidoo lens are creating backlinks to your articles.
P.S. Make sure you have submitted your Squidoo lens and your blog
to the blog directories and search engines.
P.S. Get the whole picture with the Squidoo
Marketing Strategies eBook (includes regular
Technorati Tags: tagging, Squidoo, Squidoo marketing strategies, pinging, free targeted traffic , affiliate marketing, first page of Google, Google rank, traffic