Garrett Pierson has just released a new
training product, Building Social Equity.
[BSE for short herein]
As part of the product launch, Garrett offers
free access to a number of interviews (both mp3 &
PDF) with leading social media marketers.
By signing up under my affiliate link below you
will have access to free interviews with
Alex Mandossian, Dave Lakhani, Martin Wales,
Justin Brooke, Mari Smith, Mark Murnahan and
Joel Comm:
Building Social Equity - Interviews
In the first interview Alex Mendossian explains how
he and Garret Pierson learn from each other.
Alex looks to Garrett to build the social equity
necessary to sell his books.
One of Garrett's comments gives some insight into
the concept of social equity:
I wanted to build a relationship of trust with Alex
Mendossian so that in return I could build up my
brand and my business, and for Alex, help him to build
his business...We've just built a relationship and
again, that's what building social equity is; building
those relationships of trust.
Social media marketing involves using new channels
to deliver the message about your product or service
at a time when people are suffering "email burnout".
Garrett explains how to build the requisite trust
relationships: delivering valuable and fresh content
for your target market, through submitting
this content to the worldwide web, via social
channels [such as Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon]
so that your target market can find your content.
He states that building social equity involves
bringing SEO and social media together - it means
driving targeted traffic to your small business
or affiliate product website by using social media.
Garret's Building Social Equity Course [BSE] is built
around 6 core steps:
1. Keyword research - finding the keywords that people
are searching for.
{BSE provides video training and a keyword tool for this
2. Understanding your target market - finding out the
conversations that are occurring in relation to your primary
keywords (two or three core keywords) - identify the
problems that people are seeking to redress.
{BSE has specific video training on this often
overlooked step}
3. Writing articles - creating and submitting keyword rich
articles addressing the problems of concern to your target
{BSE gives video training on how to write the articles
the right way to attract targeted traffic}
4. Submitting content to social media - re-purposing the
articles for submission to social media sites
{BSE video training covers this aspect in depth for each site -
HubPages, StumbleUpon,, Squidoo,,, EZineArticles, Technorati,,
PRWeb (press releases) and others}
5. Social networking - building the relationships, having the
conversations, contributing to social networks, being an active
community member, giving advice, making friends.
{BSE's step-by-step video training covers this aspect as well}
6. Consistent action - "Just do it!" on a consistent basis
{BSE provides the motivation and insight to help you
be consistent}
There are lessons in this interview for everyone and heaps
of motivating comments and sound advice to start off the
New Year.
Here's some quotable quotes from Alex Mendossan
in the interview:
* A spectacular achievement is always preceded by
unspectacular planning
* Google is not a search engine...Google is a
social equity builder
* Building social equity is a process and an evolution
* A lack of consistency is not a lack of time or a lack
of motivation. It's a lack of expectation.
* When you have social equity with someone, that
person has priority. That person has a place in your heart,
in your mind, in your business, for you to say yes to.
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Internet Marketing Success - the road less travelled
Branding: how are your perceived in the marketplace?
Just Do IT!...Take some targeted action
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster andGiant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority
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Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies