- About Me
- My blog is:
- www.affiliate-marketing-coac...
- My Twitter page is:
- www.twitter.com/ronpass
- My Lensography is:
- Lensography: lenses created by Ron Passfield (ronpass)
Squidoo has recently expanded the profile page to provide
very valuable information in terms of marketing yourself and
your Squidoo activities.
Some of the sections included are:
- about me
- my favorites
- my bio
- check out these lenses
- all of my lenses (auto-generated in lensrank order)
- personal lensmaster stats (lenses rated, favorited 0r created)
There is the opportunity to add a host of contact-type links
as well. You can also use a variable "about me" comment
to suit the focus of a particular lens (so there is flexibility built
in as well).
Every time you post a comment in the guestbook of another
lens, your Squidoo username is shown and is hyperlinked to
your profile.
Keeping your profile updated is a great way to maximise
visitor experience and enhance promotion of your Squidoo
lenses, blogs and social marketing activity.
I recently learnt this lesson the hard way. I visited
ezinearticles.com to update my profile page there
(they also have an enhanced profile facility). I discovered
that I still had my two line profile that I created when I joined
Ezinearticles in 2006. So none of my Squidoo activity
was reflected in my profile. In the meantime, 450 people
had visited my profile page...what a lost opportunity!
When you think of it, every lens you create is hyperlinked
to your username/profile, so there are heaps of opportunities
for visitors to click through to find out more about you.
Once you update your profile, you require minimum work
to maintain it.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster
and provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate
marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Technorati Tags:
squidoo, squidoo marketing, squidoo profile, squidoo marketing strategies, ezinearticles.com, Squidoo lens, affiliate marketing