There are a lot of ebooks and videos on how to sell ClickBank
They tell you all the actions that the professionals use to create
incomes from selling other people's products.
Affiliate Cash Secrets goes one step further - it embeds this
marketing wisdom in a total system. It makes selling ClickBank
products very easy.
Derrick VanDyke, the creator of Affiliate Cash Secrets, has developed
a system that does the following for you:
- identifies the top-selling ClickBank products when they are really hot
- creates squeeze pages for each product
- builds in you own autoresponder web capture form
- offers a free PDF or video as an inducement for buyers
- provides a series of follow-up emails with your ClickBank links
(paying members) receive these features along with ad tracking. They
also receive a Mega Profits option which enables them to earn income
from other offers such as autoresponders. They can also build their
downlines in various traffic exchanges and list builders.
Both free and gold members can earn 75% of all sales of
Affiliate Cash Secrets through their affiliate link.
Free members receive the following as well:
- The Affiliate Cash Secrets Training Course: How to Build
Your Own Automatic Money Machine
- The Affiliate Organizer Software: Store All of Your Affiliate
Information in One Convenient Place
- The Free Traffic Secrets Manual: How to Drive Thousands
of Laser-Targeted Visitors to Your Website for Free!
Affiliate Cash Secrets really makes ClickBank marketing very easy.
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Technorati Tags:
ClickBank, affiliate marketing, affiliate cash secrets, marketing clickbank, make money online