Here I am following the framework I developed for Squidoo lens design:
7 Top Strategies for Lens Creation.
1. Purpose of the Squidoo Lens
I developed this lens to acknowledge the achievement
of Torah Bright in winning the Gold Medal for the Women's
Halfpipe at the 2010 Winter Olympics (18 February).
2. Concept of the Squidoo Lens
I wanted to communicate what Torah achieved against
all odds - her tenacity, courage and determination.
I also wished to display her disarming smile, her
strength of character and her down-to-earth nature.
I particularly wanted to show that Torah's win
was not a case of instant success - she has a long
track record of achieving at the highest levels.
3. Lens Design to Meet Concept and Purpose
I was aware of the considerable media coverage of
Torah's Gold Medal win and I wanted to build my lens
quickly to capitalize on the "buzz". So I chose the
SquidWho Lens Template. The beauty of this template
is that Squidoo creates a lot of the lens for you. You enter
the name of the person who is the focus of your lens and
Squidoo gathers relevant information into modules drawing
on Twitter feeds, Yahoo news, YouTube, Flickr, Wikipedia
and other sources. In other words, Squidoo does a lot of the
research for you. You can also do a SquidWho lens about
yourself (as an autobiography or e-portfolio) as I have
done here:
4. Keyword Research
I undertook keyword research for my tags by using the
Google Adwords Keyword Tool. This tool provided plenty
of keywords that I could use. I will be using the
long tail keywords throughout the lens in module titles,
sub-headings and module text. I've printed out the results
for easy reference so I can regularly update the lens with
new tags.
5. Develop Content
As I mentioned in (3) above, Squidoo generated a lot of
the content by searching the Internet, locating materials
and creating relevant modules. I re-organized the material,
used some of it to search further (e.g. specific news reports,
additional YouTube videos, Torah's own website, Flickr
photos). I also added an Amazon module (would you believe
there are Torah Bright products?), "What Do You Love
About Torah?" poll module and Google Blog & News modules.
It's fascinating to watch these updates along with the updates
from the Twitter feed (every 5 minutes or so at the moment).
6. Source Images
I only located one "Creative Commons License" photo on
Flickr - the Flag Bearing Image. I will have to keep my
eyes out for more as they are posted. Most Torah photos
are taken by professionals and are on a restricted use
basis. I could get around this by writing to Torah and
requesting the use of photos from her website. I have
found in the past that a direct request works wonders.
For example, this lens was created with the explicit
permission (and gratitude) of the photographer:
7. Revisit, Refine, Link and Promote
I will need to update this lens regularly from the many
sources that are currently available. I particularly want
to create a couple of modules to highlight Torah's track
record, leading up to the Olympics. This will require a bit of
HTML and CSS script to create some color and variety in
presentation. I'll also use the SnagIt program for
some screen capture material.
Key Lessons: The SquidWho Lens Template
is a powerful way to very quickly create an informative lens
and capitalize on the buzz surrounding a public figure (artist,
singer, athlete etc.). A heap of material is provided for
you via the lens template. All you need to do is to organize
it and add some further research drawing on the sources
provided by Squidoo through the lens creation process.
A possible application of this would be to create a fan
lens when one of your favorite performers is visiting
your town or country.
Related Posts:
Squidoo Lens Design - Merit Solutions Australia
Top 7 Steps for Squidoo Lens Design
Long Tail Keywords and Deep Indexing of Squidoo Lenses
Squidoo Lens Design - Tropical Rainforest
Create a Squidoo Lens Ring
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority
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Squidoo Marketing Strategies

SquidooRoo is coming - 6 month social media marketing course