I used to believe that I couldn't write too!
I ended up writing a 100.000 word doctoral thesis
in 1996 and a swag of technical articles published in
journals. Since then I have co-edited 2 books, written
four e-books and published 40 online articles on affiliate
marketing and Squidoo.
What's the secret? - START WRITING!
The biggest impediment to developing your
writing skills is INACTION.
The secret is action learning - plan, write, review.
You learn to write by DOING IT!
When my son started Grade 8 at 13 years of age he
was gifted with a female teacher who believed in the
action learning approach to writing.
She started off by insisting that each student write
50 words a day and submit it for review ... and she
provided a range of topics.
At the beginning we had tears and tantrums as my
son asserted that, "I don't know how to write...I
can't do it."
We helped him plan his writing and gave him some
feedback as he finished. The teacher gradually
incremented the number of words required each day.
The more he wrote the easier it got...and the
more independent he became. By the end of the year
he was writing 1,500 words without much difficulty.
It's worth stating that principe again,:
The more you write, the easier it gets!
Where do you start?
Well, I recommend starting with a
Blogger.com blog as I did in 2005 (this blog).
You don't have to locate or add plug-ins, etc. They
are there for you to use if you want to.
The main thing is that your blog is an online journal -
a place to record ideas, insights, opinions, thoughts,
recollections, case studies... and to include links,
resources and references. It's your online data
storage as well because blogs are searchable via
the tags you include below each post. Keep
your audience in mind as you write and you will build
your readership (as well as your credibility).
The steps:
1. decide the focus you want
2. create a blogger.com blog
4. Make a post on Twitter.com with the URL
of the blog post.
....rinse and repeat with whatever frequency
you can muster.
5. Add the blog RSS feed to your Squidoo lens if you
have one (and the feed will automatically appear on
your Squidoo lens).
WARNING for the perfectionists - don't try
to make every blog post a landmark post. Focus on
an idea or an insight and just get it down.
P.S. The great novelists will tell you that writing
is 95% perspiration and 5% inspiration. They create
a writing routine - and some have been known to tie
themselves to their chair to make sure they persist
with trying to write ... even when nothing seems to
Again, the principle of focused achievement comes
into play.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resourcesfor Squidoo
affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Getting your Squidoo lens indexed by Google
There are many free ways of getting indexed by Google
but these often take time.
If I am in a hurry to get a Squidoo lens indexed, I will pay
to have it submitted to Google.
The service I use is "Easy Submit" with IneedHits.com
This currently costs $2.99 (USD) per site but the site
is usually indexed in 3-4 days.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources for Squidoo
affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing
Ron is the author of the e-book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
but these often take time.
If I am in a hurry to get a Squidoo lens indexed, I will pay
to have it submitted to Google.
The service I use is "Easy Submit" with IneedHits.com
This currently costs $2.99 (USD) per site but the site
is usually indexed in 3-4 days.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources for Squidoo
affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing
Ron is the author of the e-book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Why Technorati Tags?
In a previous post I discussed the use of
Pingoat or Pingomatic to ping the search engines
and Technorati re your Squidoo lens update:
Squidoo Affiliate Marketing: Post, Publish, Ping
I subsequently mentioned adding Technorati tags
to your blog posts and lenses. I indicated
the availability of free Technorati tag
In response, I received the following query:
"Why bother with Technorati Tags if you have
already pinged Technorati with one of the
pinging services?"
The reason is that these tools serve different
functions. When you ping you are providing
a generic advice to the search engines and
blog directories, that you have updated your
Squidoo lens or blog.
When you add Tecnorati Tags to your Squidoo
lens or blog, you are creating a two-way link
with Technorati. That means that people who
search Technorati for posts using tags may come
across your tagged post; additionally your
lens/blog has a link to Technorati for your
Tagged terms. For instance, if you click
on any of the Technorati terms below you will
be taken to posts recorded in Technorati for that
I have even had my generated tags appear in
total on the first page of Google for a significant
keyword. The keyword that was the subject of
the search was highlighted in the list of tags and
the search result was hyperlinked to my Squidoo
Technorati Tags:
social bookmarking, squidoo, squidoo marketing,
two-way links, first page of Google,
Squidoo affiliate marketing
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources for Squidoo
affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing
Ron is the author of the e-book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Pingoat or Pingomatic to ping the search engines
and Technorati re your Squidoo lens update:
Squidoo Affiliate Marketing: Post, Publish, Ping
I subsequently mentioned adding Technorati tags
to your blog posts and lenses. I indicated
the availability of free Technorati tag
In response, I received the following query:
"Why bother with Technorati Tags if you have
already pinged Technorati with one of the
pinging services?"
The reason is that these tools serve different
functions. When you ping you are providing
a generic advice to the search engines and
blog directories, that you have updated your
Squidoo lens or blog.
When you add Tecnorati Tags to your Squidoo
lens or blog, you are creating a two-way link
with Technorati. That means that people who
search Technorati for posts using tags may come
across your tagged post; additionally your
lens/blog has a link to Technorati for your
Tagged terms. For instance, if you click
on any of the Technorati terms below you will
be taken to posts recorded in Technorati for that
I have even had my generated tags appear in
total on the first page of Google for a significant
keyword. The keyword that was the subject of
the search was highlighted in the list of tags and
the search result was hyperlinked to my Squidoo
Technorati Tags:
social bookmarking, squidoo, squidoo marketing,
two-way links, first page of Google,
Squidoo affiliate marketing
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources for Squidoo
affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing
Ron is the author of the e-book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Royalty Free Stock Photos for your Squidoo lenses
I came across these royalty free stock photos when
I engaged PLUSminisites.com to design a new PPC
landing page for me. I have been impressed with the
quality of the photos they used on their website designs.
BigStockPhoto have over 3,000,000 photos for you to
choose from.
I was stunned by the range and quality of the photos.
If you want to spice up your Squidoo lens and/or
website, here's a great source of photos.
Check it out now via this link:
Stock Photos, Search and Download Now!
BigStockPhoto also buys the license off you to sell
your own photos and you can earn an ongoing
commission from your photos.
For more information on how to sell your
photos on line. visit this Squidoo lens:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the e-book:
I engaged PLUSminisites.com to design a new PPC
landing page for me. I have been impressed with the
quality of the photos they used on their website designs.
BigStockPhoto have over 3,000,000 photos for you to
choose from.
I was stunned by the range and quality of the photos.
If you want to spice up your Squidoo lens and/or
website, here's a great source of photos.
Check it out now via this link:
Stock Photos, Search and Download Now!
BigStockPhoto also buys the license off you to sell
your own photos and you can earn an ongoing
commission from your photos.
For more information on how to sell your
photos on line. visit this Squidoo lens:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the e-book:
Friday, March 27, 2009
Action learn your Squidoo marketing
One of the ways to manage your Squidoo marketing is to
use action learning.
As you may have seen on my Squidoo autobiography, this is
an area that I have been involved in since the early 1980's.
I have worked with managers in many organisations to help
them master the principles of action learning. The Top 500
companies in America use this method very effectively
to develop their managers and their businesses.
The fundamental principle is very simple but the application
is often difficult because of our ingrained, habituated
Action learning involves a cycle of plan-act-review. The cycle
is then repeated (similar to the quality improvement cycle).
Too often both managers and Internet marketers get into the
following vicious cycle: plan-act-plan-act-plan-act, with no
So what are you working on now and how do you plan to
review its effectiveness? What aspect are you going to
Progress is achieved through these incremental
improvements day by day (unless of course you stumble
on the next big breakthrough in the process - and, in fact,
that's how these breakthroughs are discovered, i.e. by doing
the hard yards first).
Most of us fall into either the activity trap (where we repeat
the vicious cycle above) or analysis paralysis (where we
don't do anything at all).
I tend to fall into the activity trap because I love creating
new things - e.g. I made a commitment yesterday to help
a local charity gain support from Squidoo via the
not-for-profit program.
The value of the plan-act-review cycle was brought home
to me recently when I was reviewing the performance of a
PPC ad that I had developed for an Affiliate product.
Normally, I would just keep creating ads like most other
people and not review what was happening. However,
through the PPC Classroom I learnt the importance
of consolidating your PPC ad before moving on to
multiple ads for multiple products.
I was getting a good click-through rate (CTR) but the
landing page was not converting very well (...and I knew
the sales page itself converted very well).
So I reviewed the tutorial on creating landing pages on
PPC Classroom and re-worked my landing page - and
not surprisingly conversions improved.
So this little review action, using a resource I already
had, enabled me to save money and increase my affiliate
So what resources - videos, podcasts, articles, e-Books,
e-mails - have you got to enable you to review what you
are doing online at the moment? It is useful to use
someone else's insights as a basis for your review.
In fact, action learning is ideally done with
someone else - a mentor, coach, a friend, a sponsor
or colleague. The value of this is that they are likely to
ask fresh questions and help you challenge your assumptions
about your product/program, marketing strategy,
target market or buying behavior.
Here's a further article I have written on this topic:
How to action learn your affiliate business
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the e-book:
use action learning.
As you may have seen on my Squidoo autobiography, this is
an area that I have been involved in since the early 1980's.
I have worked with managers in many organisations to help
them master the principles of action learning. The Top 500
companies in America use this method very effectively
to develop their managers and their businesses.
The fundamental principle is very simple but the application
is often difficult because of our ingrained, habituated
Action learning involves a cycle of plan-act-review. The cycle
is then repeated (similar to the quality improvement cycle).
Too often both managers and Internet marketers get into the
following vicious cycle: plan-act-plan-act-plan-act, with no
So what are you working on now and how do you plan to
review its effectiveness? What aspect are you going to
Progress is achieved through these incremental
improvements day by day (unless of course you stumble
on the next big breakthrough in the process - and, in fact,
that's how these breakthroughs are discovered, i.e. by doing
the hard yards first).
Most of us fall into either the activity trap (where we repeat
the vicious cycle above) or analysis paralysis (where we
don't do anything at all).
I tend to fall into the activity trap because I love creating
new things - e.g. I made a commitment yesterday to help
a local charity gain support from Squidoo via the
not-for-profit program.
The value of the plan-act-review cycle was brought home
to me recently when I was reviewing the performance of a
PPC ad that I had developed for an Affiliate product.
Normally, I would just keep creating ads like most other
people and not review what was happening. However,
through the PPC Classroom I learnt the importance
of consolidating your PPC ad before moving on to
multiple ads for multiple products.
I was getting a good click-through rate (CTR) but the
landing page was not converting very well (...and I knew
the sales page itself converted very well).
So I reviewed the tutorial on creating landing pages on
PPC Classroom and re-worked my landing page - and
not surprisingly conversions improved.
So this little review action, using a resource I already
had, enabled me to save money and increase my affiliate
So what resources - videos, podcasts, articles, e-Books,
e-mails - have you got to enable you to review what you
are doing online at the moment? It is useful to use
someone else's insights as a basis for your review.
In fact, action learning is ideally done with
someone else - a mentor, coach, a friend, a sponsor
or colleague. The value of this is that they are likely to
ask fresh questions and help you challenge your assumptions
about your product/program, marketing strategy,
target market or buying behavior.
Here's a further article I have written on this topic:
How to action learn your affiliate business
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the e-book:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Creating posts for your blog and Squidoo lenses
I don't know about you but I often have trouble thinking
up ideas for blog posts in the middle of my everday
business and home life.
The one exception is when I get a creative urge at 4 am
in the morning (I'm a morning person!). Most other times
I need the stimulus of something else to get my brain
On one of my morning walks it suddenly hit me that I
had hundreds of resources on my computer that could
act as a catalyst for blog posts or posts for Squidoo modules.
I realised I could use the ideas in Squidoo text modules, link
modules or in comments on other Squidoo lenses.
Now I use the following as a stimulus for my ideas for
posts (and add them to my business journal):
The reality is that you receive heaps of stimulus for
ideas every day and have an endless store of information
on your own computer to use for blog posts or posts to
Squidoo modules.
Don't just copy what others have written or spoken
- add your own value. Some hints on how to add value to
the ideas that you encounter:
created (as I did above with the hotlink to "morning walk").
You can also add in links to relevant affiliate products - a
much more natural way to promote.
Reading, listening and viewing create new connections in
your brain and enable you to link to other ideas/experiences
in your brain store. As you write your posts you are building
your knowledge base, creating a directory of information
for yourself and others and moving yourself along the path
to creating your own profitable product(s).
You can make the most of your time by listening to material
on your walks or creating advertising credits as you
read articles (as you can with the Affsphere Article Directory).
I can assure you that you will build Squidoo lensrank when
you add unique content to your lens and you will also build
the Google positioning/ranking of your blog if you continue
to add new material.
[Personal note: This blog held No 1 position in Google for its
targeted keyword for a number of years (created in 2005).
It is now at No.2 - displaced by my Squidoo lens:
Affiliate Marketing Coach (created on 23 March 2007).
Around 2007, the blog had a PR5 ranking but gradually
lost this when I started to post irregularly (once a month).
I am starting to rebuild PR again.]
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the e-book:
up ideas for blog posts in the middle of my everday
business and home life.
The one exception is when I get a creative urge at 4 am
in the morning (I'm a morning person!). Most other times
I need the stimulus of something else to get my brain
On one of my morning walks it suddenly hit me that I
had hundreds of resources on my computer that could
act as a catalyst for blog posts or posts for Squidoo modules.
I realised I could use the ideas in Squidoo text modules, link
modules or in comments on other Squidoo lenses.
Now I use the following as a stimulus for my ideas for
posts (and add them to my business journal):
- e-Books
- videos
- podcasts (I listen to these on my iPod during morning walks)
- emails from other marketers
- email enquiries from subscribers
- articles in article directories
- webinars
- sales pages of major product launches
- membership sites (free and paid)
- PLR content
- blog posts by other bloggers
- ...and the list goes on.
The reality is that you receive heaps of stimulus for
ideas every day and have an endless store of information
on your own computer to use for blog posts or posts to
Squidoo modules.
Don't just copy what others have written or spoken
- add your own value. Some hints on how to add value to
the ideas that you encounter:
- relate the idea to the focus of your blog/Squidoo lens
- add personal experiences
- illustrate with examples
- concentrate on one key idea and tease it out
- link to other ideas that you are aware of
- expand on, or clarify, a key point/resource
- link your post to other things you have written or created
created (as I did above with the hotlink to "morning walk").
You can also add in links to relevant affiliate products - a
much more natural way to promote.
Reading, listening and viewing create new connections in
your brain and enable you to link to other ideas/experiences
in your brain store. As you write your posts you are building
your knowledge base, creating a directory of information
for yourself and others and moving yourself along the path
to creating your own profitable product(s).
You can make the most of your time by listening to material
on your walks or creating advertising credits as you
read articles (as you can with the Affsphere Article Directory).
I can assure you that you will build Squidoo lensrank when
you add unique content to your lens and you will also build
the Google positioning/ranking of your blog if you continue
to add new material.
[Personal note: This blog held No 1 position in Google for its
targeted keyword for a number of years (created in 2005).
It is now at No.2 - displaced by my Squidoo lens:
Affiliate Marketing Coach (created on 23 March 2007).
Around 2007, the blog had a PR5 ranking but gradually
lost this when I started to post irregularly (once a month).
I am starting to rebuild PR again.]
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the e-book:
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Develop your Squidoo marketing using a business journal
How often do you lose a good idea because you have
not written it down?
Why not start up a business journal to record your
ideas, goals, plans, keywords, future products...?
I have started a new journal in the form of a Spirax
A4 Note Book - I got sick of chasing my loose notes
all over the place.
Now I'm using it for lots of things to help me to
develop my Squidoo lenses and build my
Squidoo marketing.
Here's some of the uses I've found for it:
1. recording significant keywords for my major lenses
after using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool (this
means that I can quickly update tags of multiple lenses
every day!)
2. jotting down potential article topics
3. keeping notes from webinars, videos, podcasts and
online conferences
4. recording the key ideas from an e-Book and the
actions that I want to follow up with
5. identifying potential topics for blog posts
6. mapping out the chapters of a new e-Book
7. sketching out the outline for a new article
8. developing a to do list
9. recording key ideas for future implementation
10. establishing goals and focused achievement deadlines
11. recording ideas for future Squidoo lenses including
potential modules
12. reminding myself about key things to do (in big
print) - such as add my videos to Flickr (paid version)
13. keeping tabs on resources I buy and what's in each
14. record key affiliate opportunities in line with my
desired direction and goals.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the e-book:
not written it down?
Why not start up a business journal to record your
ideas, goals, plans, keywords, future products...?
I have started a new journal in the form of a Spirax
A4 Note Book - I got sick of chasing my loose notes
all over the place.
Now I'm using it for lots of things to help me to
develop my Squidoo lenses and build my
Squidoo marketing.
Here's some of the uses I've found for it:
1. recording significant keywords for my major lenses
after using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool (this
means that I can quickly update tags of multiple lenses
every day!)
2. jotting down potential article topics
3. keeping notes from webinars, videos, podcasts and
online conferences
4. recording the key ideas from an e-Book and the
actions that I want to follow up with
5. identifying potential topics for blog posts
6. mapping out the chapters of a new e-Book
7. sketching out the outline for a new article
8. developing a to do list
9. recording key ideas for future implementation
10. establishing goals and focused achievement deadlines
11. recording ideas for future Squidoo lenses including
potential modules
12. reminding myself about key things to do (in big
print) - such as add my videos to Flickr (paid version)
13. keeping tabs on resources I buy and what's in each
14. record key affiliate opportunities in line with my
desired direction and goals.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the e-book:
Squidoo: how to find great tags for your Squidoo lens
One easy way to regularly update your Squidoo lenses
is to change your tags (keywords).
You are able to use 40 tags on each lens.
But where are you going to get worthwhile tags that
represent high search volumes and reflect profitable
Well Google provides a range of tools to assist you
with this task. In a previous post, we covered
Google Insight for Search. In this post we will cover
the Google Adwords Keyword Tool.
This FREE marketing tool provides you with heaps
of useful and timely information that can help you identify
really valuable tags for your Squidoo lenses.
You can search on any term such as "dog training" and
include synonyms or exclude specific words.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool now gives you monthly
search volumes and competition levels (very high, high,
average, low). This is very relevant to your Squidoo
You can even click on "match type" and specify broad,
phrase, exact, or negative types of keywords.
Your analysis can go even deeper than this. Google
also provides a "choose columns to display" in a drop
down menu that enables you to display for each keyword (tag)
the estimated ad position, average CPC (cost per click),
search volume trends (displayed pictorially by month)
and the month that the highest volume occurred in (giving
you important seasonal information).
Thus the Google Adwords Keyword Tool provides you
with superb market research information that you can
use to choose the tags that are relevant to the focus of
your Squidoo lens and your Squidoo affiliate marketing.
You should never be short of relevant tags for your
Squidoo lens.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the e-book:
is to change your tags (keywords).
You are able to use 40 tags on each lens.
But where are you going to get worthwhile tags that
represent high search volumes and reflect profitable
Well Google provides a range of tools to assist you
with this task. In a previous post, we covered
Google Insight for Search. In this post we will cover
the Google Adwords Keyword Tool.
This FREE marketing tool provides you with heaps
of useful and timely information that can help you identify
really valuable tags for your Squidoo lenses.
You can search on any term such as "dog training" and
include synonyms or exclude specific words.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool now gives you monthly
search volumes and competition levels (very high, high,
average, low). This is very relevant to your Squidoo
You can even click on "match type" and specify broad,
phrase, exact, or negative types of keywords.
Your analysis can go even deeper than this. Google
also provides a "choose columns to display" in a drop
down menu that enables you to display for each keyword (tag)
the estimated ad position, average CPC (cost per click),
search volume trends (displayed pictorially by month)
and the month that the highest volume occurred in (giving
you important seasonal information).
Thus the Google Adwords Keyword Tool provides you
with superb market research information that you can
use to choose the tags that are relevant to the focus of
your Squidoo lens and your Squidoo affiliate marketing.
You should never be short of relevant tags for your
Squidoo lens.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the e-book:
Monday, March 23, 2009
Squidoo: targeting your Squidoo lens
With Google Insights for Search, you can compare search
volume patterns across specific regions, categories,
time frames and properties.
In this way you can identify niches and specific
keywords that have the desired search volume and
potential profitability.
Google Insights for Search can be used to isolate trends
in specific categories such as health, business and sports,
identify trends by regions and cities and gain insight into
the impact of seasonality.
You can use this information to focus your affiliate marketing
plan, time your affiliate promotion or enter new geographical
You can also identify common months of the year when
sales of particular products trend upward across the
globe, e.g. digital cameras in December.
The numbers shown on the comparative graphs do
not represent absolute volumes of searches. They do reflect
how many searches have been done for a particular term,
relative to the total number of searches done on Google
over time. So you will see results ranging from 100
(top result) downwards to 0.
The results identified can then be vetted with other FREE
keyword search tools such as the
Google Adwords Keyword Tool:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
volume patterns across specific regions, categories,
time frames and properties.
In this way you can identify niches and specific
keywords that have the desired search volume and
potential profitability.
Google Insights for Search can be used to isolate trends
in specific categories such as health, business and sports,
identify trends by regions and cities and gain insight into
the impact of seasonality.
You can use this information to focus your affiliate marketing
plan, time your affiliate promotion or enter new geographical
You can also identify common months of the year when
sales of particular products trend upward across the
globe, e.g. digital cameras in December.
The numbers shown on the comparative graphs do
not represent absolute volumes of searches. They do reflect
how many searches have been done for a particular term,
relative to the total number of searches done on Google
over time. So you will see results ranging from 100
(top result) downwards to 0.
The results identified can then be vetted with other FREE
keyword search tools such as the
Google Adwords Keyword Tool:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the ebook:
Saturday, March 21, 2009
7 Key Reasons To Blog
There are numerous reasons why you should blog.
Here are 7 Key Reasons for Blogging:
1. A focused blog builds your Internet Profile, credibility
and reputation.
2. Google loves fresh content and looks to blogs to provide
regularly, updated content.
3. You can add the blog's RSS feed to your Squidoo lens
and build lensrank.
4. Regular posts with appropriately targeted keywords
can help you dominate a niche and the first page of
Google results.
5. Blogs are a great place to store your own learning and
readily access it via intelligent tagging - they can serve as
reflective journals.
6. Blogs boost traffic and sales if you set them up right and
market them effectively.
7. Blogs help you build relationships with your subscribers
and develop two-way communication.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Here are 7 Key Reasons for Blogging:
1. A focused blog builds your Internet Profile, credibility
and reputation.
2. Google loves fresh content and looks to blogs to provide
regularly, updated content.
3. You can add the blog's RSS feed to your Squidoo lens
and build lensrank.
4. Regular posts with appropriately targeted keywords
can help you dominate a niche and the first page of
Google results.
5. Blogs are a great place to store your own learning and
readily access it via intelligent tagging - they can serve as
reflective journals.
6. Blogs boost traffic and sales if you set them up right and
market them effectively.
7. Blogs help you build relationships with your subscribers
and develop two-way communication.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn how to make money with your blog, check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn how to make money with your blog, check out:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Friday, March 20, 2009
Squidoo : the importance of blogging
I can't stress enough the importance of blogging
to support your Squidoo lenses.
Blogging will boost your Squidoo lensrank and Google
PR rank as well as bring you targeted visitors and
increased income.
Adding your blog's RSS feed to your lens will provide
fresh content whenever you update your blog.
[Note: even though the feed from your latest post
shows on your lens, you still need to edit and publish
the revised lens to get acknowledgement of the
update in your Squidoo dashboard - I've checked this
over multiple lenses.]
The value of a blogging is beyond dispute. Both Squidoo
and Google love fresh, unique content.
I had real proof of the impact of a blog feed on Squidoo
Lensrank over the past few weeks. Two of my new lenses,
with different blog feeds, achieved a lens rank of around
1,200 within two weeks of creation.
I attribute this to two key actions:
1. daily updating (however small the change)
2. incorporation of a blog feed
So create a blog today and get the RSS feed linked
to your lens - you will be presently surprised.
If you want a comparative review of blogging
products to help you blog, check this site out:
Here's some further blogging resources I have created
on Squidoo lenses:
Review of Blogger's Paycheck
Write great blog content
Create a Blog Today
Latest changes to Blogging
State of the Art Blogging Training
Blog Success Case Study (with principles of sound blogging)
Giant Squid, thefluffanutta, left this comment on my post:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
to support your Squidoo lenses.
Blogging will boost your Squidoo lensrank and Google
PR rank as well as bring you targeted visitors and
increased income.
Adding your blog's RSS feed to your lens will provide
fresh content whenever you update your blog.
[Note: even though the feed from your latest post
shows on your lens, you still need to edit and publish
the revised lens to get acknowledgement of the
update in your Squidoo dashboard - I've checked this
over multiple lenses.]
The value of a blogging is beyond dispute. Both Squidoo
and Google love fresh, unique content.
I had real proof of the impact of a blog feed on Squidoo
Lensrank over the past few weeks. Two of my new lenses,
with different blog feeds, achieved a lens rank of around
1,200 within two weeks of creation.
I attribute this to two key actions:
1. daily updating (however small the change)
2. incorporation of a blog feed
So create a blog today and get the RSS feed linked
to your lens - you will be presently surprised.
If you want a comparative review of blogging
products to help you blog, check this site out:
Here's some further blogging resources I have created
on Squidoo lenses:
Review of Blogger's Paycheck
Write great blog content
Create a Blog Today
Latest changes to Blogging
State of the Art Blogging Training
Blog Success Case Study (with principles of sound blogging)
Giant Squid, thefluffanutta, left this comment on my post:
"Unfortunately, because of how the RSS module has********************************************
been implemented, Google and other search engines
cannot see your feeds. All they see is an empty
module, with no links, and which doesn't get
updated. You can observe this yourself by looking
at the source code, or looking at the 'text only'
cache of the lens on Google.
The RSS Module is still good for real visitors
though, as it showcases your most recent blog
posts. This brings traffic to your blog, and the
clickouts from your lens will help its Lensrank."
The RSS feed, as thefluffanutta mentions, does
not impact Google. However, the original post
itself does and the more frequently you post on
your blog the better (provided it is on the topic
of your blog's focus). By way of example, I
noticed recently that one of my earlier posts
ended up in the 5th position on the first page of
Google results for a targeted keyword that had
4.3 Million results. In summary then, regular
blogging helps your Google ranking/positioning
and the RSS feed to your lens, helps to boost
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the ebook:
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
FREE Internet Marketing Tools - ISOR
ISOR has been operating online since 1999
and has helped thousands of internet marketers
grow their business.
I first came across ISOR in 2003 and have
been a paid member since October 2006.
ISORegister offers FREE professional
internet marketing tools, all available
under one roof.
Here are some of the FREE internet marketing tools:
sessions in the online conference room. The
conference training covers not only how to use the
tools but also the best strategies and approaches for
internet marketing.
There are additional online conference rooms run by
experienced internet marketers that can help you
with any facet of Internet Marketing.
The support from ISOR is second to none.
ISOR President, Darryl Graham, participates
in the online training and is available by phone or email
to answer questions. I have found Darryl very generous
with his time, resources and support. He has a genuine
interest in helping you advance YOUR business.
Darryl spends his own funds on different forms of
advertising and provides a free evaluation of each source
of advertising he uses. He advises on what is effective and
professional and identifies advertising services that are
questionable (this free service saves you time, money
and angst).
What I like is the spirit of the online community that
gathers for the online training conferences - people are
keen to help each other out and offer suggestions.
I also appreciate access to the half-priced advertising
that ISOR offers. I use this to supplement free sources
for promoting my Squidoo lenses.
I can't speak highly enough of ISOR and Darryl Graham
and his training team. ISOR is an integral part of my
Squidoo marketing approach and has provided me with a
very sound foundation for my online business.
For further information on ISOR and the FREE
internet marketing tools on offer, CLICK HERE.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
and has helped thousands of internet marketers
grow their business.
I first came across ISOR in 2003 and have
been a paid member since October 2006.
ISORegister offers FREE professional
internet marketing tools, all available
under one roof.
Here are some of the FREE internet marketing tools:
Ad and Link Tracker
URL Rotator
Lead-Capture webpage creator
Search Engine Submission Service
Online conference system
Smart Page to manage your online professional and
personal activities And so much more...
sessions in the online conference room. The
conference training covers not only how to use the
tools but also the best strategies and approaches for
internet marketing.
There are additional online conference rooms run by
experienced internet marketers that can help you
with any facet of Internet Marketing.
The support from ISOR is second to none.
ISOR President, Darryl Graham, participates
in the online training and is available by phone or email
to answer questions. I have found Darryl very generous
with his time, resources and support. He has a genuine
interest in helping you advance YOUR business.
Darryl spends his own funds on different forms of
advertising and provides a free evaluation of each source
of advertising he uses. He advises on what is effective and
professional and identifies advertising services that are
questionable (this free service saves you time, money
and angst).
What I like is the spirit of the online community that
gathers for the online training conferences - people are
keen to help each other out and offer suggestions.
I also appreciate access to the half-priced advertising
that ISOR offers. I use this to supplement free sources
for promoting my Squidoo lenses.
I can't speak highly enough of ISOR and Darryl Graham
and his training team. ISOR is an integral part of my
Squidoo marketing approach and has provided me with a
very sound foundation for my online business.
For further information on ISOR and the FREE
internet marketing tools on offer, CLICK HERE.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the ebook:
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Squidoo: Focused Achievement
I was reflecting on Pat Rigsby's article, Activity or Achievement,
and thought about taking the theme further.
To me the fundamental issue is a lack of focus, which in turn
exposes us to information overload and the activity trap.
I have found that focusing on a goal and concentrating on
achieving milestones along the way is the fastest and surest
way to income and success.
It takes a hell of a lot of discipline to focus and concentrate
to achieve specific goals - that is why so few people achieve
success and income on the Internet.
If you become unfocused your brain becomes "scattered"
and your energy is dissipated. You can become like a
cork tossed in the sea of information.
Focus gives you an anchor and the strength to concentrate
and withstand the constant buffeting that will come your way.
I discovered Squidoo in early 2007, and immediately saw its
potential. I decided then and there to develop a specialised
expertise in Squidoo. I realised that the Squidoo platform
enabled me to do all the things I love doing - be creative, learn
daily, write, explore resources, share information and expertise,
build networks and coach/mentor others.
It also built on the work I had done before - blogging, affiliate
marketing, email marketing and article writing.
So my focused achievement was to build expertise in Squidoo
and use this achievement to educate, build networks and grow
my affiliate income.
So this focused achievement is reflected in my Giant Squid
status, Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and the development of a
range of innovative Squidoo lenses.
My focus now is to educate others on how to build their own
authority status and to use that to build their affiliate income.
I have been very impressed with the work of PotPieGirl,
Giant Squid, in showing how to build affiliate income through
focused achievement. Her One Week Marketing Plan
is a prime example of focused achievement on a week by
week basis using Squidoo.
PotPieGirl (Jennifer) has demonstrated how a focus on
achieving weekly goals rapidly builds a sizable monthly
income. She shows how she went from a frustrated,
overworked Mum to earning over $150,000 per year as
an affiliate marketer using free methods such as Squidoo.
To follow her detailed plan of action, you have to be focused
but results are assured. I used her One Week Marketing
approach to promote her own product and have made over $300
to date from this one product.
So whatever you decide to do, focused achievement is the
route to success. Ask yourself each day, "What is the most
important thing for me to concentrate on at the moment if
I am to achieve what I set out to achieve?"
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
and thought about taking the theme further.
To me the fundamental issue is a lack of focus, which in turn
exposes us to information overload and the activity trap.
I have found that focusing on a goal and concentrating on
achieving milestones along the way is the fastest and surest
way to income and success.
It takes a hell of a lot of discipline to focus and concentrate
to achieve specific goals - that is why so few people achieve
success and income on the Internet.
If you become unfocused your brain becomes "scattered"
and your energy is dissipated. You can become like a
cork tossed in the sea of information.
Focus gives you an anchor and the strength to concentrate
and withstand the constant buffeting that will come your way.
I discovered Squidoo in early 2007, and immediately saw its
potential. I decided then and there to develop a specialised
expertise in Squidoo. I realised that the Squidoo platform
enabled me to do all the things I love doing - be creative, learn
daily, write, explore resources, share information and expertise,
build networks and coach/mentor others.
It also built on the work I had done before - blogging, affiliate
marketing, email marketing and article writing.
So my focused achievement was to build expertise in Squidoo
and use this achievement to educate, build networks and grow
my affiliate income.
So this focused achievement is reflected in my Giant Squid
status, Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and the development of a
range of innovative Squidoo lenses.
My focus now is to educate others on how to build their own
authority status and to use that to build their affiliate income.
I have been very impressed with the work of PotPieGirl,
Giant Squid, in showing how to build affiliate income through
focused achievement. Her One Week Marketing Plan
is a prime example of focused achievement on a week by
week basis using Squidoo.
PotPieGirl (Jennifer) has demonstrated how a focus on
achieving weekly goals rapidly builds a sizable monthly
income. She shows how she went from a frustrated,
overworked Mum to earning over $150,000 per year as
an affiliate marketer using free methods such as Squidoo.
To follow her detailed plan of action, you have to be focused
but results are assured. I used her One Week Marketing
approach to promote her own product and have made over $300
to date from this one product.
So whatever you decide to do, focused achievement is the
route to success. Ask yourself each day, "What is the most
important thing for me to concentrate on at the moment if
I am to achieve what I set out to achieve?"
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the ebook:
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Affiliate Classroom Magazine: blogging, hosting and web copy
The February 2009 issue of the Affiliate Classroom
Magazine focuses on Building Your Website.
The key articles are:
following link for the coloured PDF version:
Affiliate Classroom Magazine February 2009
Ron's comment:
My preference for hosting is Hostgator.com
where I have had a number of domains hosted
for over 3 years.
While there is a lot to be said for self-hosted blogs and
WordPress in particular, I believe that WordPress
is more complicated than people seem to assume.
The recent innovations with Blogger.com are often
overlooked as is the fact that Google owns Blogger.com
and has a vested interest in indexing its own blogs.
The new Blogger.com now comes with RSS feed
sign up and multiple widgets that are very easy to
use. This means that you can embed links,
images, sign-up forms etc in the right hand column.
I think Squidoo Lensmasters should not overlook
the value of having a blog RSS feed on their lens.
For great resources on how to blog, check out this
Squidoo lens:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Magazine focuses on Building Your Website.
The key articles are:
- Blogging platforms for affiliates
- Choosing a web host
- Writing winning web copy
- CMS for your site?
following link for the coloured PDF version:
Affiliate Classroom Magazine February 2009
Ron's comment:
My preference for hosting is Hostgator.com
where I have had a number of domains hosted
for over 3 years.
While there is a lot to be said for self-hosted blogs and
WordPress in particular, I believe that WordPress
is more complicated than people seem to assume.
The recent innovations with Blogger.com are often
overlooked as is the fact that Google owns Blogger.com
and has a vested interest in indexing its own blogs.
The new Blogger.com now comes with RSS feed
sign up and multiple widgets that are very easy to
use. This means that you can embed links,
images, sign-up forms etc in the right hand column.
I think Squidoo Lensmasters should not overlook
the value of having a blog RSS feed on their lens.
For great resources on how to blog, check out this
Squidoo lens:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
http://www.squidooaffiliatemarketing.comRon is the author of the ebook:
Friday, March 13, 2009
Activity or Achievement?
I don't think I've ever had a fitness pro e-mail
me and say 'I don't have enough to do.'
Everyone I talk to is busy, busy, busy.
But I also hear 'I don't get enough done' about
as often as I hear how busy people are.
So if everyone is busy - why do some people
have tons of clients, run incredible businesses
and make great incomes while others barely get
It boils down to activity vs achievement.
Some people stay busy. Others get stuff done.
And as my buddy Dax Moy says...'You Get Paid For
A couple of guys I marvel at when it comes to getting
stuff done are Craig Ballantyne and Zach Even-Esh.
One after another, Craig knocks down article, newsletter,
product and project as reliably as clockwork.
While a lot of people struggle to get one product done,
he's pretty much a machine at getting things finished.
Zach is incredible...he still teaches full time, but still
runs a super-successful facility, holds certification events
and stays on top of a membership site, blog and his
These guys are both incredibly smart, driven and invest
in their education...but I think the real deciding factor that
allows them to accomplish so much is that when they start
something - they finish it.
Man, does that sound simple or what?
But as simple as it sounds, I can't tell you how many
times someone has told me about an incredible project
they are starting or have plans to start.
I'd guess about 3% of them ever get finished.
So if you want to separate yourself from the crowd,
measure yourself by what you accomplish instead of
thinking about how busy you are.
If you focus on getting things done instead
of getting distracted by the next big idea
- you're destined for success.
Guest article by Pat Rigsby,
Fitness Consulting Group. Learn what 95% of
all Health Club Owners and Fitness Professionals
don’t know and never will find out about building
a lasting, Top-Producing Business. Make sure
you sign up for the Fitness Riches Newsletter.
Ron's comment:
While this article is addressed to fitness professionals
and health club owners, it has relevance to all of us enagaged
in running an online business - I know I often fall into the
activity trap.
Pat Rigsby is a prime example of someone who practices
what he preaches - he puts achievement before activity.
Pat runs a superb affiliate program in the fitness
business industry and is a great model for anyone trying
to run a business in a specialised niche. Why not subscribe
to his Fitness Riches Newsletter and receive regular
business development advice?
Often the best ideas for advancing your own
niche business will come from successful
people/processes in a different niche.
Did you know that the innovative Port of Rotterdam,
Holland, the largest port in Europe, was designed based
on principles developed from studying the
US Supermarket Industry?
So you can't go too far wrong learning from Pat Rigsby
through his Fitness Riches Newsletter - you will certainly
learn how to market a niche online.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
me and say 'I don't have enough to do.'
Everyone I talk to is busy, busy, busy.
But I also hear 'I don't get enough done' about
as often as I hear how busy people are.
So if everyone is busy - why do some people
have tons of clients, run incredible businesses
and make great incomes while others barely get
It boils down to activity vs achievement.
Some people stay busy. Others get stuff done.
And as my buddy Dax Moy says...'You Get Paid For
A couple of guys I marvel at when it comes to getting
stuff done are Craig Ballantyne and Zach Even-Esh.
One after another, Craig knocks down article, newsletter,
product and project as reliably as clockwork.
While a lot of people struggle to get one product done,
he's pretty much a machine at getting things finished.
Zach is incredible...he still teaches full time, but still
runs a super-successful facility, holds certification events
and stays on top of a membership site, blog and his
These guys are both incredibly smart, driven and invest
in their education...but I think the real deciding factor that
allows them to accomplish so much is that when they start
something - they finish it.
Man, does that sound simple or what?
But as simple as it sounds, I can't tell you how many
times someone has told me about an incredible project
they are starting or have plans to start.
I'd guess about 3% of them ever get finished.
So if you want to separate yourself from the crowd,
measure yourself by what you accomplish instead of
thinking about how busy you are.
If you focus on getting things done instead
of getting distracted by the next big idea
- you're destined for success.
Guest article by Pat Rigsby,
Fitness Consulting Group. Learn what 95% of
all Health Club Owners and Fitness Professionals
don’t know and never will find out about building
a lasting, Top-Producing Business. Make sure
you sign up for the Fitness Riches Newsletter.
Ron's comment:
While this article is addressed to fitness professionals
and health club owners, it has relevance to all of us enagaged
in running an online business - I know I often fall into the
activity trap.
Pat Rigsby is a prime example of someone who practices
what he preaches - he puts achievement before activity.
Pat runs a superb affiliate program in the fitness
business industry and is a great model for anyone trying
to run a business in a specialised niche. Why not subscribe
to his Fitness Riches Newsletter and receive regular
business development advice?
Often the best ideas for advancing your own
niche business will come from successful
people/processes in a different niche.
Did you know that the innovative Port of Rotterdam,
Holland, the largest port in Europe, was designed based
on principles developed from studying the
US Supermarket Industry?
So you can't go too far wrong learning from Pat Rigsby
through his Fitness Riches Newsletter - you will certainly
learn how to market a niche online.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Monday, March 09, 2009
Squidoo: community choir - a new Squidoo recipe
I have just cooked up a new recipe for Squidoo.
I joined a community choir in Bulimba (Brisbane, Australia)
recently and decided I would create a Squidoo lens for the choir:
recently and decided I would create a Squidoo lens for the choir:
It serves two main purposes - a promotion platform
and also a means of communication between the
Singing Leader, Jane, and choir members and, in the
future, between choir members themselves.
I have included the feed from a blog which is basically
Jane's emails to the members.
An important feature is the YouTube videos that Jane
has identified for choir members as examples of the
way to sing the world music that is the focus of the
I have added some local photographs (Bulimba) to
bed the lens down.
woman commented on the lens and indicated that she
knew Jane from her great work in the US. There has
been a subsequent comment by another Californian
woman - it makes the world very small!
The Squidoo lens is regularly updated via the blog feed,
a Featured Event Module, relevant YouTube videos and
addition/revision of tags.
The Morningsong lens created on 23 February 2009 was
ranked 2,451 overall at the 8 March 2009:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
The Squidoo lens is regularly updated via the blog feed,
a Featured Event Module, relevant YouTube videos and
addition/revision of tags.
The Morningsong lens created on 23 February 2009 was
ranked 2,451 overall at the 8 March 2009:
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Friday, March 06, 2009
Why I Love Affiliate Marketing - Part 1 - Jimmy D. Brown
NOTE: The following is a guest post from one of my
favorite internet marketing mentors. I have just completed
a 12 month training course on membership sites with Jimmy
and it was full of value. There was so much in it that I can
continue to extract learning from it over many months.
By Jimmy D. Brown of "Affiliatenaire"
Do you find yourself "starting" to create your own product
to sell online, but never "finishing" it?
One of the things I love about affiliate marketing is --
** You don't need to create your own products **
Many people find the idea of creating their own products to
be an overwhelming and even paralyzing task.
* I don't have any good ideas!
* I'm not a writer!
* There's too much competition!
* I don't know how to set everything up!
* I can't figure out where to start!
* It's too hard!
These are just a few of the valid reasons many people give
when it comes to not creating their own products to sell.
I'm sure with a few minutes of brainstorming, we could come
up with a list of many more.
With affiliate marketing, you don't need your own products.
You simply promote someone else's already proven successful
offer for a commission.
And, truth be told, even if you ARE a writer and you DO have
lots of ideas and you CAN figure it all out...
** Nobody wants to create new products all the time **
As good as you may be, you don't know everything! Why try
to create a product on every topic imaginable in your
market when you can earn just as much money by simply
promoting someone else's really good offer as one of your
profit streams?
That's why I love affiliate marketing.
You don't need to create your own products.
Jimmy D. Brown is the author of "Affiliatenaire", teaching
you how to create big-time affiliate commission checks in
only 1-3 hours each week. Discover how you can get cash in
the bank without a website, experience or even an idea!
Visit: http://www.ad-alyzer.com/727/Affiliatenaire
This blog is created by Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo
Lensmaster and Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
favorite internet marketing mentors. I have just completed
a 12 month training course on membership sites with Jimmy
and it was full of value. There was so much in it that I can
continue to extract learning from it over many months.
By Jimmy D. Brown of "Affiliatenaire"
Do you find yourself "starting" to create your own product
to sell online, but never "finishing" it?
One of the things I love about affiliate marketing is --
** You don't need to create your own products **
Many people find the idea of creating their own products to
be an overwhelming and even paralyzing task.
* I don't have any good ideas!
* I'm not a writer!
* There's too much competition!
* I don't know how to set everything up!
* I can't figure out where to start!
* It's too hard!
These are just a few of the valid reasons many people give
when it comes to not creating their own products to sell.
I'm sure with a few minutes of brainstorming, we could come
up with a list of many more.
With affiliate marketing, you don't need your own products.
You simply promote someone else's already proven successful
offer for a commission.
And, truth be told, even if you ARE a writer and you DO have
lots of ideas and you CAN figure it all out...
** Nobody wants to create new products all the time **
As good as you may be, you don't know everything! Why try
to create a product on every topic imaginable in your
market when you can earn just as much money by simply
promoting someone else's really good offer as one of your
profit streams?
That's why I love affiliate marketing.
You don't need to create your own products.
Jimmy D. Brown is the author of "Affiliatenaire", teaching
you how to create big-time affiliate commission checks in
only 1-3 hours each week. Discover how you can get cash in
the bank without a website, experience or even an idea!
Visit: http://www.ad-alyzer.com/727/Affiliatenaire
Lensmaster and Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
The Joy of Squidoo - Squidoo recipes
Megan Casey and Seth Godin produced their e-Book,
The Joy of Squidoo, as a cookbook of ideas for
Squidoo lenses.
Here's their take on the e-Book:
The idea for this cookbook is very simple. Once you
see how creatively (and successfully) other people
use Squidoo, you’ll be more likely to use it well yourself.
That’s why people watch The Food Network, after all.
To get inspired by the tasty possibilities.
The Joy of Squidoo gives you a bit of background, some
Squidoo groundrules and principles, and then a list of 26
examples (recipes) of how Squidoo can be used.
It is well worth a look to gain ideas and ways you can use
this marvellous platform to share your ideas, passions
and propensities.
To access the PDF version of the e-Book click
the link below:
The Joy of Squidoo
************************************************ Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster
Ron is the author of the ebook:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
The Joy of Squidoo, as a cookbook of ideas for
Squidoo lenses.
Here's their take on the e-Book:
The idea for this cookbook is very simple. Once you
see how creatively (and successfully) other people
use Squidoo, you’ll be more likely to use it well yourself.
That’s why people watch The Food Network, after all.
To get inspired by the tasty possibilities.
The Joy of Squidoo gives you a bit of background, some
Squidoo groundrules and principles, and then a list of 26
examples (recipes) of how Squidoo can be used.
It is well worth a look to gain ideas and ways you can use
this marvellous platform to share your ideas, passions
and propensities.
To access the PDF version of the e-Book click
the link below:
The Joy of Squidoo
and Giant Squid. He provides free resources for
Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
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