Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who said you can't write?

I used to believe that I couldn't write too!

I ended up writing a 100.000 word doctoral thesis
in 1996 and a swag of technical articles published in
journals. Since then I have co-edited 2 books, written
four e-books and published 40 online articles on affiliate
marketing and Squidoo.

What's the secret? - START WRITING!

The biggest impediment to developing your
writing skills is INACTION.

The secret is action learning - plan, write, review.

You learn to write by DOING IT!

When my son started Grade 8 at 13 years of age he
was gifted with a female teacher who believed in the
action learning approach to writing.

She started off by insisting that each student write
50 words a day and submit it for review ... and she
provided a range of topics.

At the beginning we had tears and tantrums as my
son asserted that, "I don't know how to write...I
can't do it."

We helped him plan his writing and gave him some
feedback as he finished. The teacher gradually
incremented the number of words required each day.

The more he wrote the easier it got...and the
more independent he became. By the end of the year
he was writing 1,500 words without much difficulty.

It's worth stating that principe again,:
The more you write, the easier it gets!

Where do you start?

Well, I recommend starting with a
Blogger.com blog as I did in 2005 (this blog).
You don't have to locate or add plug-ins, etc. They
are there for you to use if you want to.

The main thing is that your blog is an online journal -
a place to record ideas, insights, opinions, thoughts,
recollections, case studies... and to include links,
resources and references. It's your online data
storage as well because blogs are searchable via
the tags you include below each post. Keep
your audience in mind as you write and you will build
your readership (as well as your credibility).

The steps:

1. decide the focus you want

2. create a blogger.com blog


4. Make a post on Twitter.com with the URL
of the blog post.

....rinse and repeat with whatever frequency
you can muster.


5. Add the blog RSS feed to your Squidoo lens if you
have one (and the feed will automatically appear on
your Squidoo lens).

WARNING for the perfectionists - don't try
to make every blog post a landmark post. Focus on
an idea or an insight and just get it down.

P.S. The great novelists will tell you that writing
is 95% perspiration and 5% inspiration. They create
a writing routine - and some have been known to tie
themselves to their chair to make sure they persist
with trying to write ... even when nothing seems to

Again, the principle of focused achievement comes
into play.

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resourcesfor Squidoo
affiliate marketing on his Squidoo lens:

To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies


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