Well, here in Australia it is New Year's Eve - with 2010
fast approaching.
It's the time for New Year Resolutions to cover all aspects
of your life (so that you can achieve some balance).
However, I just want to focus here on improving personal
productivity in your online business.
I've been reading some great resources lately to help
me overcome information overload and to improve
my productivity.
Here's two of them:
Scaling Yourself
(a superb blog post from Pro-Blogger, Chris Brogan,
that lists the ways he has been trying to improve his
productivity - we all suffer from the same temptations!!)
IM Productivity Secrets
(New membership site from Lance Tamashiro &
Robert Plank that addresses the issue of Information
Overload. Focus is on time management for productivity
improvement - with free email course and excellent
hints in the sales page.)
My 2010 Goals and Activities
Well I've been thinking of how I'm going to put some
of these ideas into practise. So here's my first cut
(it's not New Year's Day yet!):
(allowing for my full-time job as an
organizational consultant):
1. Build my Joint Venture with Squidster (Anne)
and Chef Keem (Achim)
(focused on helping small business to brand themselves
effectively through social media)
2. Use my Internet Marketing expertise to promote
my HR consulting business, Merit Solutions:
3. Focus on promoting (via social media)
two Affiliate Products/Services that I can personally
vouch for:
12 Second Commute
(A suite of Internet marketing tools - I have known the CEO
for a couple of years and I can vouch for his generosity,
genuineness and quality offerings which I have used
since 2006.)
One Week Marketing Plan
(PotPieGirl's marketing plan incorporating Squidoo,
article marketing, blogging and other social media. I've
proven the effectiveness of this plan though marketing
the product itself using PotPieGirl's approach.)
4. Produce 3 E-books/Reports
(linked directly to goals 1 & 2 - one is well on the way)
5. Write 3 Blog Posts per week
(incorporating both this blog and my JV blog)
6. Provide a free, fortnightly webinar on
Squidoo and social media marketing, for
12 Second Commute members.
1. Create one piece of original content per day
(blog post, article or e-book chapter)
2. Write original content each day before
processing email
(to avoid getting side-tracked)
3. Spend 5 minutes each day accessing the power
of concentration system:
Well that's my focus and goals for 2010- what's yours?
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster andGiant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies