Thursday, May 28, 2009

Can you really [REALLY] make money online?

The following response (extract) is drawn from
Shailini Gupta's 400th HubPage titled:

Shailini Answers:10 Frequently Asked Questions

(It is reproduced with the written permission of Shailini)

Can you really [REALLY] make money online?(8)

"Yes and No. If you really believe you can make money
online and work without worrying about the outcome, you
can make money. You can really make lots of money.
If you doubt it, do your work half-heartedly, you won't be
able to earn money. If you want to get started, I would
advise to choose a profession that gives immense pleasure
to you regardless of income.

Some people like writing - no matter if they receive money
or not, they would be happy to write articles on various topics.
Some people blog without expecting anything in return.
Some people like photographing. Some people like talking.
If you like the activity that you are doing, it would
help you to survive the first few months of drought when you
may not get any income. If you don't like the job that you do,
you will not survive the initial stage.

The online world has plenty of opportunities. Everyone who
ventures into it can really make money. It is like any ocean,
there are plenty of fish if you get out and go looking for it.
Of course, there is NO FREE LUNCH.

I still remember when I contemplated if I should buy the
ebook "Blogging to the Bank" with my hard-earned dollars.
Once I took the plunge (guaranteed by their money-back
guarantee), the course opened a new world to me. I learned
new tips, new secrets and how to maximize your revenue
potential with new strategies and less manual work. If you
have some spare dollars in your hand, I will highly recommend
you to enrol at the "Blogging to the Bank" (3rd edition). They
are still the highly successful program for the last few years
and millions have benefited from it, I am just one among them."

(End of extract from:
Shailini Answers:10 Frequently Asked Questions )


Related Posts from Affiliate Marketing Coach

I have offered Shailini's comments to reinforce some
of the discussions we have had over the last few months.
In particular, Shailini is a good example of the
"Just Do It" principle:

Just Do It!...Take some targeted action
Focused Achievement
Stick-at-it-ness: A Key Success Factor
Use Your Chakra Energy to Develop Your Marketing
Massive Action for Massive Results


Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:



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