Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Explode Your Squidoo Traffic with Social Marketing
prompted in part by the work of
Many writers are now asserting that Squidoo should
be an integral part of your internet marketing strategy.
My considered view is that Squidoo should be an essential
element in your marketing mix. I see it now as a marketing
ring - a series of linked elements : Squidoo-articles-blog-
website-social (book) marketing sites. This results in a
certain synergy that no one element can achieve by itself.
The net effect is multi-directional, traffic flows.
Stompernet (Don Crowther) put out a landmark video and
report recently which is showing the massive impact
of social marketing. Rosalind Gardner, Super Affiliate,
responded by immediately saying that she has to rethink her
stance on social marketing sites like Facebook, etc and
give them more importance.
Here's the video:
You can access the related pdf report by entering your
name and email on the video page.
Unwittingly, Don Crowther has highlighted my own dominance
of the keyword, "Squidoo Marketing Strategies" in the video
(around the 16th minute). At the time of the video, 8 of the
top ten results were linked to my sites - my ebook sales page,
my lenses, my blog, my articles or technorati tags.
We have to start thinking in terms of creating marketing
webs, rings or circles.
We are now in the era of "collaborative marketing",
"permission marketing" & "engagement marketing".
Our marketing strategies need to reflect
the "inter-linking" and "interactivity"
and "communal" nature of this emerging era.
One-out strategies are a thing of the past!
Here's a great free resource to get started with
social bookmarking (tagging):
Product of the Week
Traffic Exchange Meets
Social Marketing: Trafficera
The fastest growing social marketing site on the
Internet at the moment is the newly launched
Traffic Exchange - Trafficera. Trafficera combines a
traffic exchange with a social network. The new program
has numerous features including the ability to promote
your website(s) to thousands of people worldwide, create
valuable contacts with others from around the world,
maintain your own blog space, search for other members
that share similar interests to yourself, create and/or
participate in discussion groups and create your own
splash pages.
Trafficera is being offered by the owner of TS25, TrafficPods
and HitPulse - so they know what they are doing.
Get in early for "First Mover" benefits:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate marketing
on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Technorati Tags:
squidoo affiliate marketing, social marketing, squidoo marketing, Squidoo traffic, social bookmarking, trafficera
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Pepperjam Network - affiliate marketing 2.0
with affiliate networks such as ClickBank,,
Commission Junction or Commission Monster (Australia).
Well, there is a new kid on the block that will change the
nature of affiliate networks and affiliate marketing.
It's the Pepperjam Network that uses 2.0 technology to provide
advertisers and affiliates with a clean, easy-to-use interface.
The Pepperjam Network is blazing a new trail through its
Transparency, Innovation and Personality.
No longer will advertisers (merchants) hide behind a faceless
affiliate network. Through the innovative PepperjamChat,
affiliates and advertisers can communicate with each other to build
sustainable partnerships.
Another innovation is the creation of pepperjamADS which is
a widget that will enable affiliates to serve customized contextual
ads from multiple Pepperjam Network advertisers.
The pro-affiliate network also provides a knowledge vault for
affiliates that gives exclusive access to tools and educational
resources used by super affiliates.
What I particularly like is the personality of the Pepperjam Network.
While this review is sponsored, I was very pleased to join the
Network as an affiliate to take a look inside.
Staff of the Pepperjam Network are progressively undergoing an
individual, impromptu video interview which is placed on YouTube
(over 100,000 views to date) ...and there are over 100 staff. Kris
Jones, the CEO, has even had an impromptu interview himself and
this models transparency and also shows that relationships
are valued..
I think that a CEO who goes out of his comfort zone and experiences
vulnerability speaks volumes. If the CEO is willing to be vulnerable
and learn, then you have the makings of a learning
organisation that can only get even better.
The Pepperjam Network comes highly recommended by the likes of
Shawn Collins, Joel Comm and Anik Singal.
The network is free to join and even has an affiliate program that
Why not join up and take a look inside, you will be as amazed as
I was:
(This is not a paid affiliate link)
Ron Passfield, PhD, Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster, is the
author of the Squidoo Marketing Strategies eBook:
He built his first niche video site about
Squidoo Affiliate Marketing.
Ron provides a free e-course, resources, tools, tips and
strategies for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Monday, January 14, 2008
Leverage Your Writing and Google Ranking
How to Leverage Your Writing and Achieve
Quick Google Indexing and a Top Position
Here I discuss a Product Review approach I used in
the last few days and the speedy results achieved.
1. Wrote an article on the Niche Video Site Builder in
the form of an explanation of the basic steps involved.
2. Submitted article to (with
affiliate link in bio):
Video Sites: Create Your Own Niche Video Site
3. Carved up the article into modules to create
a product review Squidoo lens which I published:
4. Submitted the lens URL to 300 search engines using
Ineedhits Easy Submit Service ($2.99)
5. Posted the article to my blog
6. Received $33.50 commission (50%) for the sale of
one copy of Niche Video Site Builder (affiliate program
available to purchasers only)
7. Submitted article to with Squidoo
lens link in author bio (no direct affiliate links allowed):
Video Sites: 6 Simple Steps to Create Your Own Niche Video Site
8. Google indexed my Squidoo lens and gave it
position No. 2 in the search results for my keyword.
(that's one day after submission!)
9. Updated and pinged my product review lens.
10. My lens achieved No. 1 position in Google.
This strategy can be easily copied and used by you to
promote any product or service. You are better placed
if you can write your review honestly as a user.
Note: When I publish this post it will appear
simultaneously on my affiliate marketing lens and in
my Facebook as an RSS feed and in BlogRush as a
text link ad in hundreds of blogs .
* This was my second sale - so I now have a script for
free that will enable me to create unlimited video sites.
Ron Passfield, PhD, Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster, built his first
video site about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing.
Ron uses and recommends the Niche Video Site Builder.
Check out Ron's review of Niche Video Site Builder here:
Ron provides a free e-course, resources, tools, tips and
strategies for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Technorati Tags:
squidoo affiliate marketing, video sites, squidoo marketing, Niche Video Site Builder review, free video sharing sites, niche video sites
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Video Sites: 6 Simple Steps to Create Your Own Video Site
Videos are all the rage on the Internet at the moment. YouTube,
for example, gets twice the traffic of Google. How would you like
to create your own niche video site built from YouTube videos?
You can now buy a script that enables you to build unlimited
niche video sites.
A global research company, Comscore, recently stated that in a
typical month 35% of everyone who goes online worldwide visit
YouTube (Source: Social media sites are growing
exponentially – almost doubling every six months. So the trend is
up … and video consumers are at the core of this new growth.
What is a Niche Video Site?
There are a number of software developers who have recently
developed scripts to enable anyone to build their own niche video site
with free videos drawn from YouTube. These scripts enable you to
build as many niche video sites as you want. The scripts are
easy-to-use, designed for the average internet marketer and allow
you to build a site in minutes.
The niche video sites draw on YouTube’s vast video library on
the basis of a tag (keyword) that you determine as your site focus.
The script also provides a search facility to enable visitors to search
YouTube on any other tag/keyword they desire. The script can be
easily edited to add AdSense advertising, affiliate product ads
(such as for ClickBank) and links to other websites,
Squidoo lenses or blogs.
The following steps are based on the script provided by
the Niche Video Site Builder.
Six Basic Steps to Create a Niche Video Site:
1. Identify a competitive keyword
The video sites draw on YouTube videos that are tagged with the
identified keyword. So the first step is to identify a
high search/low competition keyword in the area of your interest
(the “Bum Marketing” method).
2. Locate an affiliate program or product
The niche video site scripts enable you to add your own affiliate
products or programs through banners, text links or block ads
such as those provided by BetterTextAds or FavAds. You need
to identify programs or products that fit into the theme of the
video site you are creating. Of course, sometimes you will start
with the product or program and then determine the desired
3. Purchase a domain name to match your tag/keyword
Video sites that have a domain name that matches their core
keyword tend to receive higher rankings in Google (all things
being equal). A matching domain name also helps to orientate
the visitor to the focus and content of the video site.
4. Purchase hosting for your new domain
You need to obtain a reliable host that provides you with
ample capacity to store the files and manage the volume
of visitors. I recommend Hostgator for this purpose as I know
it works very well with the Niche Video Site Builder script.
5. Edit the files in the script
This is a lot simpler than first appears. Usually there are only
two or three files you need to edit via Notepad to change the
information to your own. For example, you need to replace
the existing AdSense ID with your own. You may want to add
an affiliate product banner at the top of the site or insert block
ads in the sidebar (to replace the AdSense ads), and this can be
done by inserting the html code provided by the relevant
affiliate program owner. Niche Video Site Builder comes with
videos that explain every step.
6. FTP the edited files to your website host
This can be done very easily and quickly by FTP programs
such as FileZilla which is readily available at no cost.
Video sites and video watching are exploding on the Internet
and now is the time to get ahead of the unprecedented growth
which is occurring at an accelerating rate. Scripts are now
available that let you quickly and easily build multiple video
sites for one relatively small outlay.
Ron Passfield, PhD, Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster, built his first
video site about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing.
Ron uses and recommends the Niche Video Site Builder.
Check out Ron's review of Niche Video Site Builder here:
Ron provides a free e-course, resources, tools, tips and
strategies for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo lens:
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Squidoo affiliate marketing - video site linking

Squidoo marketing strategy:
Create a linked niche video site
Niche Video Sites are starting to emerge on the
internet because they attract Google's attention and
enable multiple levels of indexing.
The level of popularity of videos can be shown by the
recent statement from social bookmarketing experts,, who claim (based on Alexa) that
YouTube is receiving almost twice the traffic
of Google. 35% of visitors to the internet visit Youtube
... and this is an accelerating trend as the traffic to
social marketing sites is doubling every 6 months!
You can now obtain a script that enables
you to easily build multiple video sites with
free videos drawn from YouTube.
This script enables you to create niche video sites that
you can link to your Squidoo lenses.
One of the benefits of these sites is that you can
get on the first page of Google within a week
as I did with this site I have just built (position no. 4
on Google as of this morning):
Squidoo Affiliate Marketing Videos
I used the Niche Video Site Builder script
to develop this site and linked it to my lenses and
related Clickbank affiliate products.
The script enables you to build a website around
a specified keyword and displays YouTube videos
that are tagged with the chosen keyword.
A search box is also provided to enable the site visitor
to search YouTube for other tags or keywords.
You can add your own advertising (including Google AdSense)
and text and choose from a range of templates.
The Niche Video Site Builder script license enables you
to create unlimited niche video sites for a one-off payment.
As the script is in beta stage at the moment the price is
very low. The developer, J.P. Schoefell, plans to limit the
number of licenses issued.
I figured that I could easily recoup the cost of the script
with just 2-3 Clickbank sales from one site. I should easily
cover the cost of hosting from Hostgator via the sales from
multiple sites.
I found the current version of the script very easy with
clear instructions and video training supplied. It basically
involves changing a few variables on a number of files and
uploading via ftp to your website. It all worked perfectly for
me. The developer is now working on an automated version
where you don't even have to know how to upload via ftp.
I am excited by the possibilities involved in creating
multiple niche video sites linked to my lenses.
For further information on this script, visit the site at:
Niche Video Site Builder
PS - my recommendation would be to obtain separate
domains and hosting for each site to enable your URLs
to reflect your keywords and to overcome Google's
recent changes involving downgrading of subdomains.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster.
Visit his Squidoo lens for free resources on
Squidoo affiliate marketing:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Technorati Tags:
squidoo affiliate marketing, video sites, squidoo marketing, free video sites, free video sharing sites, niche video sites
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Blogging for Fun and Profit
I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology.
For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
- The best blogging techniques.
- How to get traffic to your blog.
- How to turn your blog into money.
I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out.
Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free:
This training is produced by Mark Joyner's team so quality is assured.
Happy New Year for 2008
Ron P.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster.
Visit his Squidoo lens for free resources on Squidoo affiliate marketing:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Technorati Tags: Squidoo affiliate marketing, Blogging for Fun and Profit, Squidoo marketing strategies, blogging for profit, blog traffic, affiliate marketing, blogging training, blogging income, Mark Joyner