Squidoo marketing strategy:
Create a linked niche video site
Niche Video Sites are starting to emerge on the
internet because they attract Google's attention and
enable multiple levels of indexing.
The level of popularity of videos can be shown by the
recent statement from social bookmarketing experts,
Stompernet.com, who claim (based on Alexa) that
YouTube is receiving almost twice the traffic
of Google. 35% of visitors to the internet visit Youtube
... and this is an accelerating trend as the traffic to
social marketing sites is doubling every 6 months!
You can now obtain a script that enables
you to easily build multiple video sites with
free videos drawn from YouTube.
This script enables you to create niche video sites that
you can link to your Squidoo lenses.
One of the benefits of these sites is that you can
get on the first page of Google within a week
as I did with this site I have just built (position no. 4
on Google as of this morning):
Squidoo Affiliate Marketing Videos
I used the Niche Video Site Builder script
to develop this site and linked it to my lenses and
related Clickbank affiliate products.
The script enables you to build a website around
a specified keyword and displays YouTube videos
that are tagged with the chosen keyword.
A search box is also provided to enable the site visitor
to search YouTube for other tags or keywords.
You can add your own advertising (including Google AdSense)
and text and choose from a range of templates.
The Niche Video Site Builder script license enables you
to create unlimited niche video sites for a one-off payment.
As the script is in beta stage at the moment the price is
very low. The developer, J.P. Schoefell, plans to limit the
number of licenses issued.
I figured that I could easily recoup the cost of the script
with just 2-3 Clickbank sales from one site. I should easily
cover the cost of hosting from Hostgator via the sales from
multiple sites.
I found the current version of the script very easy with
clear instructions and video training supplied. It basically
involves changing a few variables on a number of files and
uploading via ftp to your website. It all worked perfectly for
me. The developer is now working on an automated version
where you don't even have to know how to upload via ftp.
I am excited by the possibilities involved in creating
multiple niche video sites linked to my lenses.
For further information on this script, visit the site at:
Niche Video Site Builder
PS - my recommendation would be to obtain separate
domains and hosting for each site to enable your URLs
to reflect your keywords and to overcome Google's
recent changes involving downgrading of subdomains.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster.
Visit his Squidoo lens for free resources on
Squidoo affiliate marketing:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
Technorati Tags:
squidoo affiliate marketing, video sites, squidoo marketing, free video sites, free video sharing sites, niche video sites
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing once again. I used to fear the technicalities of video site linking. Now, I am more rest-assured of the positive effects.
There isn't many complicated technical skills needed as well.
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