My latest Squidoo lens discusses how to improve your content
creation by removing the barriers to personal productivity.
The barriers are identified as:
- procrastination
- information overload
- activity focus
- lack of clear goals
online are identified as:
- focus
- discipline
- leverage
three areas to help you build personal productivity through
creating content online:
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Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority
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Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies
It is so easy to get distracted on line. I am anxious to read your lens and get some super ideas for focusing. I seem to do better with a really good daily list!
Ron, one of the best tips I heard about getting organised came from something you said on Giant Squid Open Mike, so I am heading over to the lens to see if it is on there. I am sure there will be other equally useful tips on there.
Getting organised on line is so hard - there's days when I feel I am like to ball in a pin ball machine, pinging all over the place - but I never seem to hit the jackpot!!
it so hard to beat procrastination, and there are too many challenges for me to go through. Thank u for the link, I will go and read it. Thank u for sharing too. :)
I cannot find anything I can disagree with. Thanks
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