Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Squidoo lens: Who are YOU?

When someone visits your Squidoo lens, blog
or website, they are unconsciously asking themselves
a number of questions about you:
  • who are you?
  • what have you got to offer?
  • where is the evidence of your capacity to provide advice?
  • what value can you add to what I am doing?
Elsewhere I have written about the value of building
your Internet profile:
6 Great Reasons To Build Your Internet Profile

More recently I discussed why you should create
an authority site:
7 Top Reasons Why You Should Build an Authority Site

Squidoo provides you with the opportunity to make
a statement about who you are. This comes in the form
of the specialized Squidoo lens, SquidWho:

You can use this Squidoo lens for a number of purposes
including creating a profile of your favorite person or band.

However, Squidoo encourages you to create a
SquidWho lens about yourself.

My SquidWho lens can be found here:

Seth Godin suggests in his e-Book,
The Joy of Squidoo, that my autobiographical
lens is a good exemplar.

What you can see from my SquidWho lens is that I
readily share who I am, what my passions and interests
are, why I have created particular Squidoo lenses and
what my background is.

For example, it can be seen that my online learning
and mobile learning lenses are based on 5 years
experience facilitating the implementation of
online learning nationally within the vocation and
education sector in Australia.

SquidWho lenses are great fun to develop - Squidoo
automatically creates some of the content for
different modules by searching the Internet for info
about you - blog posts, articles, forum comments, etc.

You very quickly learn what your Internet footprint
is - that is, how much other people are exposed to you
and what you do online.

So when are you going to create your SquidWho
and build your Internet profile?

Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid. He provides free resources
for Squidoo affiliate marketing on his Squidoo authority
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the e-Book:


1 comment:

Shallie M. Bey, Jr said...

Ron, thanks for the great post. Though I have done several lenses now, I had not considered the value of the SquidWho. I will act upon your sound advice.

Shallie Bey
Smarter Small Business Blog