Sunday, August 31, 2008

Squidoo: 5 Ways To Boost Your Affiliate Income With Squidoo Marketing

The top affiliate marketers put a lot of care and energy
into creating their Internet profile. This enables them
to establish their credibility as an expert and as a person
you can trust. It is very difficult to make affiliate sales
if no one knows who you are or what your expertise is.

Squidoo provides the perfect platform to build your
credibility and visibility.

Here are 5 key ways to achieve this and boost your
affiliate income:

1. Build an authority site (lens) on Squidoo
2. Develop an autobiography on Squidoo
3. Build a Squidoo lens ring
4. Create a Squidoo lensography
5. Develop a Squidoo Group around your expertise area

For the full article, CLICK HERE.

Related articles on this blog:

Create a Squidoo lens ring
Interviewed by Kris Jones, CEO of Pepperjam Network
Squidoo Marketing Strategies : Create a Squidoo Group


Product of the Week: Anik Singal - Article Marketing

Anik Singal, Creator of the Affiliate Classroom and AffSphere
Article Directory, has produced a 95 page e-book on
article marketing. Here he reveals the inside secrets of
his article marketing strategy that made him so
successful as an affiliate marketer. He covers how to
make money from articles, finding profitable niches,
getting immediate results, manual vs automated
submissions, 6 commandments for success...and
provides a checklist to put it all into action.
...All this for $5.

Have a look now to see what you could be missing out on:
Not Your Typical Article Marketing Report


Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster
and Giant Squid.

He provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate
marketing on his Squidoo lens:

Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:

Ron is the author of the ebook: Squidoo Marketing Strategies


Technorati Tags: , , , affiliate money tips, , , , ,


Anonymous said...

hi ron,

norbert sczepanski here,
germany - remember me?

thx for the article on affsphere. good one.

i have read your book now.
congrats. gr8 gr8 stuff.
i can recommend your book to every
squidoo-er AND especially
all NON-squidoo-ers
best wishes

norbert sczepanski
cologne germany

Anonymous said...
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Ron Passfield said...

Thanks Norbert - the ebook was designed to get people started with Squidoo and also offer ideas for the more advanced.

Miss Diaz said...

Hello Ron,

Great Blog! I really liked it.

Thanks for this.

Yonelia Diaz
My Squidoo Page