Alex Jeffreys has released his
118 page FREE ebook that explains
how he built an online income in
excess of $100,000 in 12 months.
Post Launch Profits is really about strategy
- how to build your online business for success.
It's very encouraging, sincere and challenging - it can
nurture you and at the same time take you outside
your comfort zone.
This ebook takes you through the 6 steps that Jeff
took to earn a 6 figure income and set himself up
for a 7 figure income in 2008.
He emphasises simplicity, action and leverage.
If you are planning to launch your own product, there's
heaps here on product launching, creating JV partners
and recruiting affiliates.
Even if you are not planning your own product launch,
there is heaps of common sense about building an online
Besides JV partners and affiliates, Alex stresses the power
of leveraging through increasing traffic conversion,
improving website conversion rates, getting organised,
goal setting and outsourcing.
He emphasises that no matter what your level of
business is you need to get organised (or you will not
be able to get to the next level).
There were 42 comments on his blog about how useful
the information has been. When you see people take
the effort to write long thank you's, you know there is
value in the product (...and it's free!). When you see
people saying, "I am going back to read the ebook a
second and third time...", you know it's full of wisdom:
Alex has a one time offer (OTO) with his free ebook,
and each of the 7 associated bonuses has incredible
value in its own right - I am working through my
bundle now. One of the bonuses from Jeff Dedrick has
audio/video interviews with 25 of the top internet
marketers plus.....
Alex also provides a free affiliate program that pays you
75% of the One Time Offer and heaps of affiliate resources
to assist your promotions.
NOTE: On Alex's affiliate promotion resources page, he
has over 90 social bookmarking sites hyperlinked
for your benefit - why not promote the product this
way and also promote your squidoo lens/blog as well.
From this page alone, you will also learn multiple ways
to increase the traffic to your Squidoo lens/blog. His ebook
also covers traffic generation methods:
Here's some quotable quotes from Alex:
Always look at the positive sside and leverage the opportunity
of your competition by Joint Venturing with them.
I don't work in my business, I work ON my business.
There's no magic hat here folks this does take time.
If you are not already organised at the stage you are at
now, how on earth do you plan on building a 6 or even
7 figure income?
I'm a product of my productivity.
....and at each stage he explains exactly what he did and
how he did it!
The whole ebook echoes what Yarok Starak calls the
"80-20 rule" - concentrating your efforts on the 20% of
things that bring you 80% of the income.
I try to put this principle into practice by asking myself each
day, "What are the two or three things I can do today that
will advance my business goals the most?" As I am only
working part-time on my internet business, I have to be
strategic. Once you start thinking this way, it becomes a habit
...and you get better at it.
Here's to your success in building your online business in 2008
- I know that I will be using this ebook as a blueprint for my
efforts in 2008:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
provides free resources for Squidoo affiliate marketing
on his Squidoo lens:
Ron is the author of the ebook:
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