Comment Hut is FREE software
designed to help you get:
* one way backlinks...
* your Squidoo lenses indexed quickly...
* more targeted traffic...
Comment Hut locates niche focused blogs/journals
based on your selected keyword. It selects
only those blogs/journals that allow comments.
Comment Hut then sorts the blogs according
to Page Rank, saving you hours of searching
for focused, highly ranked blogs.
All you have to do is select the higher
ranking blogs, add an interesting/informative
comment to the blog posting and create a
backlink to your lens.
Search engines then follow the backlink when
indexing your site. Search engine placement
is influenced by:
* the kind of sites that link to your lens (relevance)
* the number of sites that link to your lens
* the quality of the sites that link to your lens.
Comment Hut is quick and easy to use.
Your blog comments not only help to make your
lens available for search engines, they can
also create direct sales for you.
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Technorati Tags:
Comment Hut, Squidoo, Squidoo marketing, Squidoo marketing strategies, affiliate marketing, backlinks