Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Are You Getting Bad Advice
© Copyright Rosalind Gardner, All Rights Reserved.
During my research this week, I came across an ezine with a subject line that read, 'Stick with One Guru Guidance'. I fully expected that the title was crafted with shock value simply to grab the reader's attention, and expected that the article would in fact promote the opposite viewpoint.
I was wrong.
In a nutshell, the author said that although there is lots of great Internet marketing advice available, if you read the advice of too many 'gurus', you will get confused, lose focus, and that 'complete paralysis' will be the ultimate result.
My immediate reaction was to think 'how absurd'. Without a careful survey of many different viewpoints, you can't formulate your own ideas and opinions.
Although I've been marketing online for since 1997, I still spend time almost everyday researching topics relevant to my Internet businesses.
My email inbox overflows with ezines and newsletter subscriptions. I surf the Web to see what's new and what has changed in the Internet marteting realm. I regularly purchase and review newly-released products and services.
Above all, I seek advice and learn from both my mentors and those I mentor.
I can't imagine choosing between Corey, Marlon, Yanik or a dozen others to be my only eBusiness mentor. All are extraordinarily knowledgeable and each offers a unique perspective. I learn volumes from each and every one.
While I agree that the plethora of prescriptions for internet business success can be somewhat confusing, I trust that you, my dear readers, have ample intelligence to wade through and determine whose counsel is of value to you.
Basic study and organizational skills will help you avoid confusion. Take notes, keep a business diary and bookmark pertinent web pages. Categorize them in ways that make sense to you.
In summary, here's a prescription for your Internet business success. Get a balanced diet of advice by selecting information from all the major gurus. Read, digest and use that fuel to boost your business.
After all, variety IS the spice of life!
Article by Rosalind Gardner, author of the best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". To learn how you too can succeed in Internet and affiliate marketing, go to:
You may use this article provided you leave the article unchanged, acknowledge the author and include the resource box with live links.
Ron Passfield
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Responsive List Building - Audio Training Bonanza
This Home Study Course is the result of interviews with 8 leading Internet marketers who disclose their secrets of how to earn cash from even small mailing lists.
Here is what you get for $9.95:
- How to create hyper profitable lists from scratch - Ewen Chia
- Massive profits from tiny lists - Stephen Pierce
- Responsive list secrets - Alice Seba
- Niche list building secrets - Dr. Mike Woo Ming
- Email deliverability secrets - Gary Ambrose
- Secrets to getting your emails read - Jeff Levesque
- Massive list building secrets - Liz Tomey
- Bonus interview - Russell Brunson
When you purchase this email marketing package, you get
access to the affiliate program which pays you 100% of the
purchase price ($9.95) plus 25% ($22.33) of the One Time Offer.
You receive marketing tools as an affiliate including suggested
keywords for an Adwords campaign.
So you can earn while you learn and easily recoup your outlay FAST
(affiliate income is paid immediately to your Paypal account!)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Save your Ezine from the Junk Mail Folder!
Internet Service Providers like, and others are now using filtering software to block spam from reaching the email boxes of subscribers.
The downside is that the rules they apply mean that they are also blocking legitimate email that the subscribers need to operate their Internet businesses. My ISP even blocks some emails that I send to myself as tests or reminders.
These systems scan incoming mail looking for trigger words or phrases. Penalty points are awarded every time a spam trigger is found. If the total points gets too high, your email ends up in the junk folder of your opt-in subscribers. enables you to check your ezine or emails on a "spam scale" before you issue them.
Try this free service and see what it comes up with - you will be shocked at how often your ezine is at risk of ending up in the spam folders of your subscribers.
Check it out now:
(This posting has a spam scale score of 7.852 - it would most likely be headed for the spam folder if it was an email. The desirable spam scale score is < 1. )
If you pass muster, you can even add the following banner to your email/ezine:

Monday, May 15, 2006
Market-It : Internet Marketing System
I tried this system out in the beta testing phase when it was slow to load. That is certainly not the case now! It is now fast to load.
I joined up over the weekend at the special introductory rate on offer now (which is less than half the planned monthly fee).
Viewing the Market-It control panel is like sitting in front of the instrument panel of a high powered vehicle that is raring to go.
The three-column text format of the private member's site displays the marketing tools and other options available. The central column is where the action is at and where you activate the many tools provided.
There are so many internet marketing tools provided with Market-It, that you have to adopt a planned approach (after scouring through to see the numerous options available to you). Mark suggests you use two or three of the tools each day to exponentially grow your traffic and your sales.
I was planning a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign so I visited the training centre and viewed the video on, "How to Improve Your Conversions In Pay-Per-Click Campaigns". I joined some of the recommended PPC programs through the links provided and picked up some credit bonuses.
I then used the keyword popularity checker to identify potential keywords. While I was at it I ran a website analysis tool over my blog to identify ways to improve my search engine ranking (now sitting at 3/10).
My immediate plans for this coming week are to:
- submit my new article using the Article Submitter which submits articles to hundreds of ezine publishers (I just press the Blast It Out button!)
- use one of the 7 submission wizards that puts my search engine submissions on auto-pilot
- submit a free ad through the directory of 153 ezines that accept them
- write a press release and use the Press Release Submitter to send my press release to over 100,000 journalists and all major media outlets
After all this, I can start delving into the 84 instructional audios and interviews to learn more about some other marketing activity I might be planning. Then there are news feeds and industry stats and demographics to explore and refine my focus and approach.
I should also use the meta tag generator to improve the search engine ranking of my blog (a suggestion from the web analysis I did earlier).
Mark even gave me a 30 day refund guarantee in case I am not happy with the results of using the Market-It tools. I won't be seeking a refund - I just received an email listing all the additional features coming later in May ( that's probably when the price will go up!).
Market-It brings all your internet marketing together in one place and puts you in the driver's seat.
I have cancelled some of my other marketing subscriptions that use a much more piece-meal approach so that I can easily cover the cost of the low Market-It subscription.

Friday, May 12, 2006
Activ Ebook Compiler - Free Download

The Activ Ebook compiler enables you to create ebooks as .exe files.
This free version allows you to create as many ebooks as you wish as long as you do not sell them.
If you wish to sell your ebooks, you need to register your copy of the Activ Ebook Compiler.
Download the free version here:
The software is a powerful professional quality tool, that makes it simple for anybody to get started in E-Book Publishing.
- If you can use MsWord then you can create and publish E-Books - all you have to do is create your chapters in MsWord as separate documents and use the "Save As HTML" feature.
- Simply create a set HTML files containing the information you want, and then run Activ E-Book Compiler - and you'll have a self-contained Windows Program (".EXE") which users can download and run, to view your E-Book. You can even restrict access to parts of your E-Book with passwords, include links to relevant web sites, or sell advertising space in your E-Book.
- Anybody with Windows 95 or better, and Internet Explorer 4 or later, which is of course the vast majority of web surfers, can use your E-Books.
- The software includes an amazing range of features that allow you to easily create great E-Books.
- Download a fully working version of the software for free.
I created "The Blog Report: How To Make Money From Your Blog" using the Activ E-Book Compiler.
I developed the ebook/report in Ms Word with each chapter as a separate document. I then saved each document as a html file (via MsWord) and stored them in a "source folder".
Then I opened the ebook compiler and told it where the source files were and it created the ebook/report in 30 seconds.
Ebooks are excellent marketing and educational tools as they can have hotlinks, images, and colour and are created with a computer generated table of contents and internally linked pages.
You can get your free copy here:
Note: The author of the this software insists that you download the free version and try it before you upgrade and register to sell your ebooks. Registration/upgrade brings addditional features and costs less than $30 (when I bought it!).