There appears to be two opposing "tribes" that inhabit
social media.
The first tribe, the goldiggers, consider social media
a goldmine to be mined mercilessly without any consideration
of the impact on the community environment within the
various social networks. For this group, it is okay to
auto-generate thousands of artificial user identities and
spam blogs with auto-generated posts. It is okay to deceive
people with misleading headlines or trap them into
auto-subscription to heavy monthly payments. It is the
tribe of false promises that is full of hype and deception.
The Golddiggers war cry is "crush the competition".
The second tribe, the moralists, focus only on the
community dimension and consider any form of marketing on
social media to be sacrilege. This tribe adopts the moral
high ground and emphasizes community at the expense of
commerce. They overlook the fact that many people nowadays
(because of forced layoffs and the economic climate) earn
their living online. They consider it immoral to ask people
to pay for information or advice (that has often been
generated through years of trial and error and considerable
expense in time and money).
The Third Tribe subscribes to the view that social media marketing
is a means of building relationships, developing a customer base,
optimizing websites and blogs and creating personal wealth.
Beneath this assumption is a values set that reinforces
truth in marketing, collaboration, sharing, genuine and deep
relationships, personal rights, mutual learning and community
capacity building. Members of the Third tribe believe that
it is appropriate and necessary to offer people in social networks
valuable information and resources that meets their needs
and to do so at a reasonable (not inflated) price. At the same time,
they are willing to use their knowledge and skills to build up
the confidence and capability of other people (at no charge)
and readily work to support various charities or Tribal Leaders
who are actively working to make a difference in our world
and communities.
The Leaders of the Third Tribe are Darren Rowse, Brian Clark,
Chris Brogan and Sonia Simone, some of the world's top bloggers.
These leaders are dedicated to bringing together people who
share the Third Tribe values and aspirations and offer a
platform for this to occur. They charge a monthly fee but
over-deliver in terms of value with their sharing of their
knowledge of what works in Internet marketing and social
media marketing (and they have the track record).
I joined the Third Tribe at the time of its launch and have
valued the monthly interviews, the Q & A calls, the links to
resources and the active Forum. It is a real experience to
become immersed in the sharing of knowledge and skills of
people who are ethically building their wealth (both
financial and social equity) through social media marketing.
JOIN TODAY to get instant access to the wealth of resources
and information available:
Join The Third Tribe
Here's a sample of the resources (podcasts, transcrips and action
worksheets) that you can access immediately:
• Product Launch Strategies: What Always Works and What's
Working in 2010 -Jeff Walker & Sonia Simone
• How to Get Your Customers to Do Your Best Marketing for You
- John Jantsch & Chris Brogan
• Email Marketing Strategies that Work - Sonia Simone
& Brian Clark
• Action Email: Copywriting Tips for Insanely Effective
Email Marketing - Dave Navarro & Sonia Simone
• Internet Business Models: Part One — the Problogger model
Darren Rowse & Brian Clark
• Internet Business Models: Part Two — the Chris Brogan model
Chris Brogan & Sonia Simone
• Internet Business Models: Part Three — the Copyblogger model
Brian Clark & Sonia Simone
• Internet Business Models: Part Four — the Zen Habits model
- Leo Babauta & Darren Rowse
• The Quick Start Guide to Making Money Online
- Johnny Truant & Sonia Simone
• Advanced Affiliate Marketing with Social Media and SEO
Glen Allsopp & Brian Clark
• Traffic Jam: Brian Clark and Jon Morrow on Traffic-Building
Strategies - Jon Morrow & Brian Clark
• Behind the Scenes of an Online Product Launch -
Johnny Truant & Sonia Simone
• Become a Better Writer - Chris Brogan
• Capturing the Power of Video Marketing - Darren Rowse
and Dave Kaminski
• How to Translate Ideas into Action - Chris Garrett
and Sonia Simone
• Five Strategic Ways to Use SEO for Public Relations
Brian Clark and Lee Odden
• The Critical Keys to Success with Google AdWords
- Brian Clark and Geordie Carswell
• Advanced Link-Building Strategies for SEO
- Brian Clark and Greg Boser
Ron Passfield, PhD, is a Giant Squid100 and
social media consultant.
His 6 month social media training program
is available at:
Sign up now for a FREE e-course in
social media marketing:
Social Media Marketing Tips
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