This is my new 40 page e-Book guide on Squidoo marketing.
Squidoo Marketing Strategies shows you how to use Squidoo to promote your blog, website, afffiliate program or hobby.
The e-Book leads you through the process of setting up and marketing your Squidoo lens (website).
It contains advice and tactics for the beginner as well as
advanced internet marketers.
The focus of the e-Book is on getting free targeted traffic.
Squidoo Marketing Strategies will...
* Bring you endless free targeted traffic
* Increase your profile on the Internet
* Attract hungry search engine spiders
Squidoo will display your website, blog or affiliate program
in the best possible light.
Squidoo is a new Web 2.0 technolgoy that combines the
best of You Tube, Flickr and MySpace. Squidoo was
designed by internet marketer, Seth Godin, and enables
you to create focused lenses (websites) for free... as many
as you want.
How would you like to create a multi-media website
with a simple technology that combines cut-and-paste
with point-and-click?
Check out:
I have used Squidoo to promote this Affiliate Marketing
Coach blog because it enables me to progressivley build
a multi-media website with a "point-and-click" and
"cut-and-paste" technology.
Coach blog because it enables me to progressivley build
a multi-media website with a "point-and-click" and
"cut-and-paste" technology.
My Affiliate Marketing Coach Squidoo lens enables me
to incorporate an RSS feed from this blog, link to indivdual
postings (such as program reviews, marketing strategies
(etc.), include a hyperlink list of my articles and promote
individual affiliate programs or products.
Check out my Affiliate Marketing Coach lens:
Check out my Affiliate Marketing Coach lens:
I can also create individual Squidoo lenses for each affiliate
program or product that I want to discuss in depth.
Squidoo Marketing Strategies tells you how to do
all this.
Check it our now:
Technorati Tags: tagging, Squidoo, Squidoo marketing strategies, tags, free targeted traffic , affiliate marketing, bookmarking, Google rank, traffic
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