Friday, July 14, 2006

So You Want To Create An Online Business? - FREE report

Internet Business Manifesto

by Rich Schefren

Rich is the mentor/coach behind some of the recent successes of the
Internet's most successful internet marketers - Mike Filsaime, Brad
Fallon, Jim Edwards, Tellman Knudson, Jay Abraham, Stephen Pierce,
Yanik Silver, Jeff Paul...

Rich's Internet Business Manifesto has created a real stir on the
Internet - he has received over 1,500 phone calls, emails and blog
postings about the report.

This is not a sales pitch - it has no hotlinks. It is designed to make you
really think about what you are doing online.

If you are serious about creating an online business, you really need
to read this FREE report.

There is no affiliate income tied to this report or any of the follow-ups.

If you do not want to be challenged or to re-think what you are doing,
then don't read the report.

Rich challenges you to decide whether you want to be an
opportunist or an entrepreneur.

There is also a follow-up report, The Missing Chapter, which forces
you to think about your strengths and to re-design your business
around those strengths. This is central to your business success.

One of the bonuses you get is a series of audio interviews between
Rich and Internet marketers he has coached
. I have just been
listening to an mp3 where Rich interviews Mike Filsaime about how
he put Rich's concepts into practice - this is great stuff because it
makes the concepts real. You have to read the Manifesto first before
you will understand these interviews.

You can access the report here:

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Google Adwords Made Easy - FREE ebook

Google Adwords Made Easy: Simple Fool-Proof Strategies You Can Use Right Away For Adwords Success...

by Brad Callen, originator of Keyword Elite, Adwords and SEO Expert.

Are you having difficulty making money from your Google Adwords campaigns?

Do you want to stop wasting money on ineffective advertising?

The FREE ebook, Google Adwords Made Easy, solves these problems.

This 83 page ebook is for the beginner and the advanced affiliate marketer.

Brad Callen takes you through the process of setting up your Google
Adwords campaign in 4 easy steps.

He suggests that it takes 10 minutes to create a campaign and get
organic search engine traffic to your website.

The ebook runs through the full process a number of times -
starting from the basics and progressing to the more advanced

Along the way, he provides very clear screen shots, analyses
existing ads
and shows you the right and wrong way to go.

It was really great to not only read about what you should do but
also see what that means in practice for an actual ad.

Another key feature is that Brad explains why he suggests an
action, every step of the way. He even explains in detail why he
prefers Google Adwords over other PPC programs.

This is a superb resource that provides information that you will
only find in ebooks that will cost you $97 - he holds nothing back.

(He even explains why you should have a link like this and why you
should put the product image on the left of your page)

I have created a Google Adwords campaign based on Brad Callen's
advice and it was a breeze.

Through Google Adwords Made Easy, I learnt:
  • How to structure an ad
  • How to make the most of the URL links
  • How to find profitable keywords
  • How to set up campaigns and adgroups for maximum profit
  • How to write ads that attract clicks
  • 5 Tips for Writing Landing Pages that Sell
  • How to split test ads for maximum return
  • How to track ads, keyword performance and sales
  • Strategies to boost your Google Adwords income

(P.S. There is a bonus chapter on "Finding High Paying Adsense

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