Squidoo has implemented a new option that enables you to include a
Yahoo audio player on your Squidoo lenses.
You can see it in operation in the Introduction module to my latest
Squidoo lens:
You'll see a hyperlink titled, "CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO - Ron Talks
About Richard Teare - Founder of GULL".
Beside the link is an arrow which indicates an audio player.
The process to activate the audio player for your lens is simple:
In edit mode, click on SETTINGS (right-hand column), then click on
"Play mp3 files with Yahoo Media Player" (just below "maxed").
Then click "APPLY" and PUBLISH.
Then whenever, you enter an mp3 link, Squidoo automatically
activates the player link by putting a small arrow to the left of your
hyperlinked text (as on my Gull lens).
This is not visible until you re-publish the lens after you have
added the mp3 link (and it may take a few minutes after
that to appear).
You can create your own mp3 or add one that you have rights to.
In the SquidooRoo training program, I will be showing you how
to create your own podcasts (mp3s) from free resources...
and I'll even give you royalty-free music as well.
Please note: the lens describes how the Global University for
Lifelong Learning (GULL) is bringing education and hope to the
youth and children in the tent camps of Haiti.
Please show the lens some TLC by commenting or Tweeting or
"Liking" or lensrolling or whatever will assist its promotion:
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies

SquidooRoo is coming - 6 month social media marketing course
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