Squidoo is a superb platform for affiliate marketing. Being
a multi-media platform with multiple modules and plugins,
Squidoo provides endless ways to present your affiliate offerings
- whether affiliate programs, products, services or software.
Recently, I was presenting a webinar about Squidoo affiliate
marketing for members of the 12 Second Commute Program
(integrated online marketing tools).
I decided to adopt a different strategy to promoting 12SC on
Squidoo to use as a way to illustrate the power of Squidoo for
affiliate marketing.
So I created a new Squidoo lens:
In the following section, I discuss the key strategies behind
this lens design and how I accomplished them.
Lens Design: Key Strategies
1. Incorporating audio
I have added a link to an mp3 audio in the introduction.
When visitors click on the audio link, it activates a media
player right on the Squidoo lens. This new feature is
setup on your lens by going to "Settings" when in edit
mode and clicking on the option,
"Play mp3 files with Yahoo Media Player"
2. Providing a personal audio testimonial
Instead of using some generic mp3 audio, I created
my own audio where I provide a personal testimonial
about the affiliate program (12 Second Commute) and
the program CEO and creator. Nowadays, it seems
important to provide evidence of the genuineness not
only of an affiliate program but also the people behind
the program.
3. Using an integrated set of images reinforcing
module themes
I have used a group of images that feature "golden people"
as illustrated above - thus providing consistent imagery.
The images are not only attractive and eye-catching
but also are individually chosen to reinforce the
theme of the module that they are incorporated in.
For example, the above image is used in the module
where I describe the 12SC Autoresponder as
the "key to success". The images were purchased through
4. Using anchor text with images in text modules
The text module now has the ability to add images together
with a hyperlink and anchor text. The hyperlink option
did not exist when I first started creating my Squidoo lenses,
so I am now making good use of this feature.
[If you are looking for some way to update an old lens,
revisit your text module images and add hyperlinks and
anchor text.]
5. Illustrating how I am using the 12SC tools
I'm convinced that one of the best ways to promote an
affiliate program or product is to illustrate how you have
used it yourself. In my case, I have incorporated
the RSS feed from my 12SC blog as a way of demonstrating
how I use one of the online marketing tools provided
with 12 Second Commute. I have also provided a Squeeze
Page that I designed through the 12SC Capture Page Creator:
6. Focus on benefits before features
The first module immediately after the Introduction Module
focuses on the benefits of the 12SC program. Copywriters
insist that sales pages should commence with a benefits statement
before the features of an affiliate product or program are explained.
So this new lens illustrates some important strategies for utilising
the marketing power of Squidoo's multi-media platform.
Ron Passfield is a Top 100 Squidoo Lensmaster and
Giant Squid100. He provides free resources
for Squidoo marketing on his Squidoo authority
To learn more about Squidoo Affiliate Marketing
check out:
Subscribe to Ron's free Squidoo Marketing e-course:
Ron is the author of the e-Book:
Squidoo Marketing Strategies

SquidooRoo is coming - 6 month social media marketing course.
Thanks for the article. Great info. Can you explain the purpose of anchor text and hyperlinks on the images? I wasn't sure how to use them, so on one lens I linked to the image to my blog and wrote keyword rich text for the anchor text. Is this what I'm supposed to do??
Yes Gen, that's the idea. You should link to what you are trying to promote (e.g. your blog) and use a relevant keyword for your anchor text.
This sets up another backlink for your targeted URL and also you will find that Google will index the image under the relevant keyword shown in the anchor text. Thus it is incorporated in Google's universal search results for the keyword (which includes images, video, etc.)
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